  • 學位論文

中國自動化機器人產業分析 - 一個個案的研究

Entrepreneurial Opportunities for the Industrial Robot Industry in China-A Case Study

指導教授 : 林博文




This thesis is based on current status of the industrial robot industry in China, in regard to the emergence of entrepreneurial opportunities. Over the past 5 years, China’s industrial robot industry has been increasing around 30% each year. However, this number is only one-eighth of Japan’s, one-fourth of Germany’s, one-third of South Korea’s. In respect of such share, the prospect of developing robot applications in China remains optimistic. Current China’s situation is similar to Japan’s in 80’s of the 20th century, the development of robot industry was sped up approximately 50% increase in 10 years due to the raise of manpower costs. For the next three years, China may accelerate the expansion of robot industry due to increase of manpower costs, with the estimate of 30% of increase each year. The industrial robot industry is one of the emerging high-technologies, only second to cars and computer. China’s “Five-Year plan of 2011 to 2015” is the key turning point in the development of China’s industrial robot industry. This industry is encountering an opportunity occurring once in a blue moon, and the market demands would be incredibly escalating. It would be worthy to move forward and expand commercial opportunities for the related supplier. In the case study, marketing competitiveness of enterprises, core competence, marketing proposition, as well as strategy and business model were selected to examine how enterprise owners to seize commercial opportunities. Finally, we summarize results of this research shown that the industrial robot industry in China has great potential and is worthy of investment.




參考文獻資料 1. 新暘科技創投資料 2. 新暘科技產品簡介 3. 新暘科技技術資訊 4. 新暘科技機器人應用實績 5. 新暘科技公司沿革歷史 6. 克萊頓克里斯坦森(Clayton Christensen)《破壞性創新》 7. 愛迪生《危機就是轉機》 8. 非凡新聞周刊專欄文《危機處理的最高藝術》 9. 宏碁集團創辦人施振榮先生《再造宏碁:開創、成長與挑戰》微笑理論 10. 蓋瑞哈默爾(Gary Hamel)《啟動革命》長期競爭力理論 11. 邁克爾波特(Michael Porter) 80年代初提出五力分析 12. 海因茨韋里克(Heinz Weihrich)20世紀80年代初由提出SWOT分析 13. 工商時報《時事與鴻海集團郭台銘先生的專訪》由記者鄭淑芳報導 14. CAREER職場情報誌《再是科幻情節 機器人大軍來了!你的工作在哪裡?》由作者高永謀撰文 15. 中研普華2012年《中國行業研究諮詢報告》 16. 旺報《珠三角革命 機器漸取代人工》由記者林永富報導


林君郁(2002)。第一部份:傳統傷科中藥對新生鼠骨細胞作用機制的探討 第二部份:嘧啶類及其類似物對活性氧之清除作用〔博士論文,臺北醫學大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0007-1704200714505002
