  • 學位論文


Subjectification and the Emergence of Deontic Modal Verbs TIOH8, AI3, and E7 in Southern Min

指導教授 : 曹逢甫


本論文的主要貢獻在於藉由對共時與歷時閩南語語料的分析,建立起義務情態動詞之形成跟語言主觀化(Langacker 1990 and Traugott 1989)的正向關係。雖然以往對情態詞形成與主觀化關係的研究多偏重在由義務情態詞(deontic modal)發展到認識情態詞(epistemic modal)的過程,我們卻發現義務情態動詞的形成本身也受到與形成認識情態詞類似的語意−語用因素影響,也就是一樣循著從具體客觀的概念延伸到抽象內在心理世界之主觀化機制進行演變。 本文所討論的義務情態動詞一共有三種,而此三者於閩南語的義務情態系統中都是晚近才發展出來的。這三個義務情態動詞分別是:義務情態動詞「著」(記為tioh8)與「愛」(記為ai3)、以及義務情態複合動詞組「會使(得)」(記為e7-sai2 (-tit4))與「會用(得)」(記為e7-ing7(-tit4))。要發展出這些義務情態動詞的先決條件是,在語意上前情態詞(premodal)必須先獲得於義務情態詞語意中決定性的成分,亦即Talmy(2000)所主張之語意中的「力量」(本文記為[FORCE] )。對於義務情態動詞「著」與「愛」來說,此語意中的「力量」在他們的發展過程裡,皆由其前情態詞所選擇的三個論元之關係得到支持,儘管此三個論元並非一定會由底層語意投射到表層的句法上去。而相對來說,主表允讓的義務情態複合動詞組「會使(得)」或「會用(得)」所涉之力,卻是來自於該結構中被包夾的基層動詞組成成分「使」或「用」,而此表允讓的義務情態複合動詞組本身、則是經由吸引基層動詞組之主要語向上移動並與動後情態動詞「得」(tit4)結合而來的。基層動詞組的語意成分可以與情態詞「會」的語意成分結合,並投射成為整個義務情態複合動詞組的語意內容的原因,主要是由於基層動詞主要語藉由與「得」的融合(incorporate),也與「得」形成情態重疊(modal doubling)的情態詞「會」變成一個整體,因此其兩者之語意特徵便可以互相結合、影響、與互動。 上述三個義務情態動詞(結構)的發展過程中,語意中的「力量」成分都被保留了下來,然而該「力量」成分的呈現方式卻改變了:原本前情態詞的「力量」成分是由語意中施動者(CAUSER)與受動者(CAUSEE)的互動關係所傳達,但爾後於義務情態動詞(結構)中卻是由說話者跟句子主語的關係所隱示。也就是說,前情態詞的語意中原具的「力量」成分,在義務情態(結構)中卻轉換成了語意−語用層面的關係。如此一來,我們對於義務情態的形成跟主觀化有密切關係的假設,便可以得到證明。 從本文幾個閩南語義務情態動詞(結構)形成的過程,可以得到兩個啟發。首先,義務情態詞不只是認識情態詞「較客觀」的對照,其本身也是前情態詞「較主觀」的對應。前情態詞可以是與義務情態動詞帶有類似語意成分關係的動詞、或是表主語客觀能力的動力情態詞(dynamic modals)。這個假設的結果是單一語言內部的整個情態詞系統會組成一個連續體,而此連續體便是依主觀化程度的不同而開展的;另外,於此連續體上模糊分類的(categorized with fuzzy boundaries)情態詞,皆一致地受到類似的語用因素驅動而發生語言變化。第二,閩南語義務情態詞的形成過程也證明了語意成分間的關係可以在語言發展上轉換成語意−語用層面或是純粹語用層面的關係,而在此轉換中成分間的互動仍然維持不變。換句話說,前情態詞的語意成分在語法化的過程中並沒有消失,而是改變他們的呈現方式、使增加的語用表達性獲得強化(Lehmann 1985)。 本文從認知語言學的觀點出發,輔以語法化研究對歷時與共時語料的詮釋與說明,期能將情態詞形成過程中與認知語用層面相關聯的部分呈現出來。我們證明了,義務情態詞的形成,需要建立在一致的認知語意概念上面,而轉換的過程也會受到語用因素的觸發與影響,尤其是主觀化的因素。


In this dissertation we aim to build a positive relationship between the emergence of deontic modal verbs and the effect of subjectification (Langacker 1990 and Traugott 1989) through the exploration of diachronic and synchronic materials of Southern Min. While researchers interested in the effect of subjectification in the process of modal emergence tend to emphasize on the evolution from deontic to epistemic modals (e.g. Sweetser 1990), we focus on the effect of subjectification, i.e. the subjective semantic-pragmatic factors, in the emergence of deontic modals. Three deontic modals are discussed in this dissertation, and all of them are quite new compared to other deontic modals in the history in Southern Min. The three of them are obligative modal tioh8, obligative modal ai3, and permissive modal e7-sai2 (-tit4) or e7-ing7(-tit4). To emerge those deontic modals, the premodals must acquire the decisive semantic force, annotated as [FORCE], of the deontic modals. The [FORCE] of the former two modals tioh8 and ai3 is donated by verbs which allow three arguments in underlying semantics and sometimes in overt syntax; contrastively, the [FORCE] of the permissive modal construction is projected by the infixed base verb which is assumed to raise from the lower structural position to incorporate with the postverbal modal tit4. Based on Talmy (2000), the [FORCE] of the premodals can be preserved in the later-developed deontic modals because premodal with [FORCE] and deontic modals are conceptually similar, and during the evolution what is changed is not the [FORCE] itself but the representation of the [FORCE]. For premodals the [FORCE] is expressed through the interaction between CAUSER and CAUSEE, while for deontic modals, the [FORCE] changes to show the interaction between the speaker and the grammatical subject. That is to say, where the [FORCE] applies changes from semantic domain to semantic-pragmatic domain. The change of application domain proves that emergence of deontic modals is motivated by the effect of subjectification. There are two implications given from the findings above. First, deontic modals are not only the ‘objective’ counterpart of epistemic modals, but also the subjective counterparts of their premodals. The consequence of this assumption is that the whole modal system of a given language is built along a continuous cognitive continuum based on the degree of being subjectivized, and modals within the modal system are not discrete items, but are categorized with fuzzy boundaries and may interact with each other in feature composition or in evolution. Second, from the emergence of deontic modals in Southern Min it is proved that the application domains of the meaning components can extend from pure semantic to semantic-pragmatic without changing the original interactive relationship. In other words, the semantic contents of the premodals are not canceled during grammaticalization, but change in their ways of representation to enhance the acquired pragmatic expressivity (Lehmann 1985). In this dissertation, we set out to explore the relationship between subjectivity and the emergence of deontic modal based on empirical datum. The result of this study shows that at least in Southern Min, the emergence of deontic modal verbs is positively related with the degree of subjectification. In other words, similar to the emergence of epistemic modals, the emergence of deontic modals is also motivated and influenced by semantic-pragmatic factors. This makes all modals within a modal system constitute a continuum, along which all modals can be motivated to change under the impact of similar subjective factors.


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