  • 學位論文


Syntactic Displacement and Asyntactic Thematic Role Assignment in Mandarin Chinese-Speaking Aphasics: Evidence from Their Production and Comprehension

指導教授 : 蘇宜青


本篇論文旨在探究漢語失語症病人對於單音節「非作格動詞」(unergative verb),如:「哭」,以及「非賓格動詞」(unaccusative verb),如:「破」,所組成的兩類語句之表達與理解能力以及探討他們對「主動句」(actives)、「被動句」(passives)、「主語關係句」(subject relative clauses)和「賓語關係句」(object relative clauses)等四類句型的理解能力,並驗證下列四個理論在預測漢語失語症病人於上述句型中表現情形之正確性,其理論分別為:the Trace-Deletion Hypothesis (TDH), the Double Dependency Hypothesis (DDH), the Argument Linking Hypothesis (ALH), and the Argument Structure Complexity Hypothesis (ASCH)。 在實驗一的「誘發表達測驗」(elicited production task)中,ASCH理論預測非賓格動詞因帶有較非作格動詞更為複雜的論元結構(argument structure),因而更容易造成失語法症病人(agrammatic aphasic patients)在表達上的困難,而此論點在本測驗結果中獲得支持。再者,在實驗二的「非賓格動詞與非作格動詞理解測驗」中,ALH理論預期失語法症病人將會有百分之五十以上的正確率(above-chance performance),根據本測驗中漢語失語症病人在此兩類句型理解皆有良好表現的結果來看,ALH理論獲得支持。最後,在同為實驗二的「四類句型理解測驗」中,TDH與ALH理論皆預期語序上的差異將使得主語關係句較賓語關係句更容易造成失語法症病人理解上的困難;然而,DDH理論則做出與之相反的假設。對此,根據本測驗中漢語失語症病人的表現結果,TDH與ALH理論皆獲得支持。 綜合本篇研究結果,筆者發現「論元結構的複雜性」(complexity of argument structures)以及「論旨角色語序之標準性」(canonicity of thematic role order)皆會對非流暢型失語法症病人(non-fluent agrammatic aphasic patients)在語句表達與理解上造成阻礙,進而影響其表現能力。


This thesis aims to investigate Mandarin Chinese-speaking aphasic patients’ elicited production and comprehension of monosyllabic unergatives (e.g. ku ‘cry’) and unaccusatives (e.g. dao ‘collapse’) in sentence contexts and their comprehension of the other four types of sentences, including actives, passives, subject relatives and object relatives. Furthermore, this thesis also attempts to evaluate the validity of the predictions of four linguistically based hypotheses on Mandarin aphasic patients’ comprehension and production of those sentence types we have scrutinized, including the Trace-Deletion Hypothesis (TDH), the Double Dependency Hypothesis (DDH), the Argument Linking Hypothesis (ALH), and the Argument Structure Complexity Hypothesis (ASCH). For the elicited production task of unergative and unaccusative sentences (Experiment I), the findings support the ASCH which predicts that unaccusative verbs with a more complex argument structure are more difficult for agrammatic aphasic patients to produce than unergatives with a less complex argument structure. In addition, for the comprehension task of unergative and unaccusative sentences (Experiment II), the results that Mandarin aphasic patients performed relatively well on both sentence types confirm the prediction of the ALH that agrammatic aphasic patients will perform above-chance on the two types of sentences. Finally, for the comprehension task of four sentence types (Experiment II), both the TDH and the ALH predict that the word order discrepancy will make subject relative clauses more complicated and difficult to comprehend for Mandarin agrammatics than object relative clauses, but the DDH predicts the opposite pattern of selective deficits. The results from our Mandarin agrammatic aphasic patients’ selective comprehension deficits verify the predictions of the TDH and the ALH. The findings of this study suggest that the complexity of argument structures (i.e. complex vs. simple) and the canonicity of thematic role order (i.e. canonical Agent-Theme order vs. non-canonical Theme-Agent order) will hinder appropriate processing at the level of production and comprehension for non-fluent agrammatic aphasic patients.


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