  • 學位論文


The Application of Delayed Differentiation Strategy to the Foundry Production Process

指導教授 : 朱詣尹


晶圓代工廠生產模式屬於接單生產 (BTO) ,即接獲訂單安排晶圓投片後,若無工程變更或異常狀況,將順利產出,這是一般晶圓廠生產流程。但以整個半導體供應鏈而言,需求卻極不確定,如何增加生產彈性以即時因應客戶需求,是未來晶圓代工廠朝向製造服務業最主要的關鍵點。 本研究主要探討晶圓廠如何配合上游 IC 設計公司的產品策略 (需求變化快與少量多樣),以降低生產成本與縮短產品上市時程 (Time to Market, TTM),並以延遲差異化手法,將原來屬推式供應鏈的晶圓廠接單生產流程,轉變為推拉式基礎供應鏈,配合生產流程作業自動化與電子化,使產能規劃的變異性減少,更有能力反應客戶需求的變動。主要議題在於晶圓廠生產流程與步驟極為繁複,如何在增加彈性之餘,亦能減少生產管制風險與人為疏失,才能確實有效降低生產成本與準時達交,滿足客戶需求。 本研究透過實際參與規劃及觀察個案公司案例的執行與訪談方式進行,建置了晶圓廠延遲差異化策略之推拉式供應鏈生產流程模型,創造晶圓廠與客戶雙贏的合作模式。在執行生產流程改善過程中,了解其進行狀況與所遭遇的問題,從而追蹤其相關績效指標與確認所展現的成效,然後將之整理成案例,並說明其運用條件與時機,最後完成延遲差異化策略之晶圓廠流程改善管理實務模式。希望藉此提供晶圓廠增加生產彈性的可行性方案以供參考,透過此生產流程模型與管理實務模式,便可快速建立相同之延遲差異化策略生產流程方式。


The production model of the IC Foundry business is BTO (Build to Order); that is, if there are no engineering changes or unexpected conditions, the Foundry will process and go for mass production after getting the order and arranging for the wafer-start. It is the normal IC foundry production process flow. However, the demand of the whole semiconductor supply chain is very unstable. How to enhance the production flexibility and real time response to customer are the key point for IC foundry to become the manufacturing services business. This research mainly focuses on how the Foundry matches the product strategy of upstream IC design house (fast demand change, versatile and less quantity), in order to lower production cost and shorten the time to market. Using delayed differentiation methodology and changing to push-pull supply chain from push-based supply chain with automatic and electronic operation, the Foundry manages to decrease the variations of capacity planning and to improve the response to the change of customer’s demand. The main issue is, while facing the highly complicated Foundry production process flow, how to decrease production control complexity and miss-operation, in addition to increase flexibility, in order to fulfill customer’s requirements. This research uses actual participations, observations, and interviews in the case firm’s project execution to build up the model of push-pull supply chain production process flow with delayed differentiation strategy. The research provides a practical model of Foundry process improvement with the strategy. The results of this study promotes the win-win cooperation between IC design house and Foundry, and also provide other Foundries to quickly duplicate the production process flow with delayed differentiation strategy.


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林晏群(2013)。安寧緩和醫療教育課程對醫學生知識與態度之影響: 從2007到2011年某醫學院之調查研究〔碩士論文,臺北醫學大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6831/TMU.2013.00015
