  • 學位論文


High Power LED Headlamp Design and Analysis for Motorcycles

指導教授 : 王培仁


隨著人類文明的發展,照明已經廣泛的應用於日常生活,因此關於照明的消耗能源也漸漸增加。由於發光二極體(以下簡稱LED)製造生產上關鍵技術的突破,現今LED在發光強度、光衰週期降低等性能上有顯著的提升;因具備體積小、反應速度快、壽命長、抗震性佳及省電等優點,在許多光源應用產品上正被大量倒入,例如:顯示器、手電筒及背光板等。市面上已經有部分為LED模組產品販售,相信LEDs在照明產業的全面普及化是指日可待的。車用照明設備除提供駕駛人夜間路況之照明,亦保障了乘車人與用路人的安全。現今對LED用於車輛照明系統也訂定了相關的法規,對車燈光型及亮度亦統一規定之。 本研究嘗試以白光LEDs配新月形透鏡來設計機車頭燈以達法規要求。研究方式如下:首先利用實驗與光學模擬相互驗證,進行LEDs光源建立,提高光源模型的精確度;同時以ASAP 內建指令,建立球面透鏡模型,利用模擬找出最佳參數的聚光透鏡,綜合上述的結果搭配反射面進行LEDs車頭燈的模擬設計,期望能設計出符合法規要求的車頭燈LEDs替代光源。


As civilization progresses in the past decades, illumination has been widely spreading to human’s daily life. Hence, energy consumption in illumination gradually increases in the last century. Due to breakthrough in manufacture technology of light emitting diode (LED), the recent achievements in LED industry, today LEDs have been able to provide high power, high illumination efficacy, long life-cycle, fast response, and vibration resistance. Typical applications are products for white-light LEDs in illumination, LCD display monitors, flashlights, and cell-phone backlights. Automotive lightings have provided drivers with road conditions at night as well as safer environment for passengers and pedestrians. Therefore, safety regulations for LED lightings in automotives are now established with beam profile and illumination intensity. In this thesis, procedures for design of motorcycle LED headlamp have been devised with following steps; 1) measurement of illumination intensity of LED light sources, 2) establishment of simulation models of LED light sources with experimental verifications, 3) design of a motorcycle LED headlamp by using elliptical reflector plus meniscus lens, 4) optics analysis for design satisfying ECE regulations. The final goal has been achieved with satisfactory results.


Headlamp Light emitting diode Optical design


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