  • 學位論文


Generation and long-distance delivery of ultrahigh repetition-rate optical pulse trains and its applications in wireless millimeter-wave communications

指導教授 : 黃承彬




This thesis reports the generation of ultra-high repetition-rate optical pulse trains and its applications in wireless millimeter-wave communications. Applying line-by-line optical pulse shaping on an externally-modulated CW laser frequency comb, we are able to experimentally generate 1-ps optical pulse trains with tunable repetition-rates within 31~496 GHz. We also demonstrate the delivery of these ultrahigh rate pulse over 25 km standard single-mode optical fiber without the need for additional dispersion compensating means. Using our approach, we successfully generated remote 100 GHz millimeter-wave carrier signal and enabled world-record 20 Gb/s wireless millimeter-wave data transmission experiments.


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