  • 學位論文

傳統製造類中小企業轉型進入文化創意產業關鍵成功因素之研究 – 以『林三益筆墨專家』為例

A Study on the Key Success Factors of Transforming Traditional Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) into Cultural & Creative Industry – A Case of the Lam Sam Yick Writing Brush & Ink Expert

指導教授 : 丘宏昌


隨著全球經濟情勢的變化,傳統中小企業在全球化、國際化的趨勢中面臨極大的挑戰,中小企業經營者無不積極尋求轉型契機,使企業經營永續。於此同時,同樣面對全球化、國際化的衝擊,為了提昇國家競爭力,政府近年戮力推動文化創意產業的發展,正是因為台灣所擁有的深厚文化底蘊是發展文化創意產業最重要的基石。 因此,在「台灣傳統產業必須轉型」以及「文化創意產業蓬勃發展」此兩股力量交相影響下,『林三益筆墨專家』- 這家興起於百年前,做為「毛筆」這項悠久文化發展重要工具的製造商,即使身處傳統製造產業,卻憑藉其傳承百年的核心技術,掌握產品屬性,展現經營者的企圖心,製造出高品質的產品,為『林三益』這個即將走向沒落的品牌,再創新生命。 本研究係以『林三益筆墨專家』作為研究個案,採用次級資料歸納分析為研究方法,歸納出五項傳統製造類中小企業轉型進入文化創意產業之關鍵成功因素,提供後續學術研究及產業經營之參考: 一、 品質 二、 核心技術 三、 經營者企圖心 四、 產品屬性 五、 廣告效果


With the change of the global economic situation and under the trend of globalization and internationalization, the traditional Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have faced great challenges. Due to the above reasons, the entrepreneurs of SMEs are aggressively seeking opportunities in transformation to make their business sustainability. In the meantime, recent years, in order to improve national competitiveness, the government has aimed to develop cultural and creative industry was founded on the rich cultural heritage in Taiwan. Under the impact of the “transformation” and the great boom of the “cultural and creative industry”, the Lam Sam Yick Writing Brush & Ink Expert, manufacturer of traditional writing brush express motivation to use its core competency heritage for centuries to change the declining brand into a new life. This study aim to find out the key success factors required for traditional SMEs shifting into Cultural & Creative Industry based on Lam Sam Yick Writing Brush & Ink Expert as a case study for subsequent academic research and industrial operation reference. The study is analyzed by adopting the secondary data analysis research method, factors examined include the following: 1. Quality 2. Core Technology 3. Entrepreneur’s Motivation 4. Product Attributes 5. Advertising Effectiveness


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