  • 學位論文


A Research on Jingushi in Song Dynasty─A Case Study of Liu Kezhuang

指導教授 : 李貞慧


進故事為宋朝於史學發達、言事風氣興盛的文化背景下特有的一種經筵教材。依規定,此體於形式上分為故事引述與論說二部分,內容則須與「治道」結合。起初作為史學教育的文本,由於作者時藉著對歷史事件的的選擇及評判,或隱或顯地表達對當今朝政的意見,遂使此體發展為「以史論政」的特殊文本,成為「史論即政論」觀念於文章中的最佳體現。   劉克莊(1187-1269)進故事作為其六十歲後三次入朝期間的作品,當中展現了宏博的史學知識與用事精切的創作特色,一定程度地反映其於宋末元初以「文名」與「史學」享有的盛譽,而此部分成就在今人多以「江湖詩派」、「辛派詞人」等文學史發展框架的研究下實受到忽略。劉克莊於當中大量地指涉當時政事,透過其創作往往得見其對當時爭議事件的政治立場,部分議題甚至與其仕宦際遇密切相關。基於劉克莊進故事作品於質、量的豐富性與代表性,以及其向被視為晚宋文壇大家的身分,本文選擇劉克莊作為進故事個案,結合當朝政事與其進故事內容深入析論。   本論文第一章為緒論;第二章梳理進故事發展,包含其背景、政策施立、文本性質、取材與常見主題;第三章則挑選兩宋進故事中的代表作家,以歷時性的角度介紹進故事文本的基本樣貌與發展趨勢;第四、五章以劉克莊進故事為個案,結合時政討論其內容與寫作手法,分析其可能的創作旨要與特色;第六章為結論。   透過本研究,一方面希望能建立兩宋進故事大致的發展脈絡,對當今經筵、史論、政論、史學、個別文人研究提供新的觀察角度;另一方面希望能補充劉克莊今人研究中較缺乏的散文與在朝事蹟部分,並再次思考劉克莊於晚宋文學史中的成就與定位。


進故事 劉克莊 經筵 史論 政論 宋理宗


Under the prosperous historiography and flourishing yanshi 言事 cultural background, Jingushi 進故事is the characteristic of jingyan 經筵 (the lectures for emperors) in Song Dynasty. In accordance with the regulations, the format of this form is divided into two parts including quoting stories and discoursing while the content has to be combined with governing the country. Being the textbook of historical education in the beginning, this form has become an exceptional text of “demonstrating politics by history” and the best representation of “ancient and modern capital rule” concept because the writers more or less expressed their opinion to the sovereignty of the time by choosing and judging historical incidents.   Liu Kezhuang (1187-1269) regarded Jingushi as the work which was finished during his three times employment of the royal court after the age of 60 which showed distinguishing creation with his fairly extensive historical knowledge. Jingushi reflected Liu Kezhuang’s high reputation of prose and historiography to a certain extent, however, this achievement has been disregard by contemporaries who focus on the research of “jianghu shipai 江湖詩派 (Jianghu Poetic School)” and “xinpai ciren 辛派詞人 (Poets of Xinqiji’s Group)” under the framework of history literature development.   Liu Kezhuang considerably insinuated government affairs of the time and through his works, his political position toward controversial issues was fairly apparent, and some of the issues were even closely related to his eunuch life. In view of the abundance and representative of Liu Kezhuang’s Jingushi and his high reputation of literary arena of late Song Dynasty, this thesis chooses Liu Kezhuang as an individual case of Jingushi and analyze thorough the content of Jingushi, combined with current politics of the time.   Chapter 1 of this thesis is Introduction; Chapter 2 arranges the development of the story, including its background, policy, character of the text, availability, and common themes; Chapter 3 chooses representative Jingushi writers of Song Dynasty and introduces the basic form and development trend of Jingushi from diachronic angles. Chapter 4and 5 chooses Liu Kezhuang as an individual case of Jingushi and discusses its content and writing technique combinding with current politics of the time, analyzes its possible main ideas and distinguishing features of writing. Chapter 6 is Conclusion.   Through this research, establishing the general development of Jingushi of Song Dynasty has been expected, and this research provides fresh observing angles to jingyan, historical comments, political comments, historiography, and individual literati. On the other hand, this research also aims to renew the lackness of Liu Kezhuang’s proses and experiences during the employment of the royal court, and to deliberate his achievement and historical position of literature of late Song Dynasty.


王 宇,〈標榜風氣、詩歌選本、理學語境與劉克莊詩學觀的重新解讀──以真德秀《文章正宗》為對照〉,《淡江中文學報》,17,2007,頁89-119。
胡 明,《南宋詩人論》,臺北:臺灣學生書局,1990。
