  • 學位論文


An Examination on Banks’ Efficiency for Six East Asian Countries Using the Metafrontier Cost Function

指導教授 : 黃台心 李鈞元


近年來受到亞洲金融風暴的影響,許多東亞國家經濟活動受到十分嚴重的打擊,使得這些國家在近年紛紛解除金融管制,期望提高金融市場的競爭性,各國銀行在激烈的競爭中,必須做出適當的調整提高經營績效與競爭力,在這改革潮流中,綜合銀行的多樣化產品組合倍受矚目,而綜合銀行的收入來源中非利息收入占的比例較專業銀行高,所以本文除定義傳統的投資及放款為產出外,增加非利息放入為第三產出,利用成本效率分析了解銀行的競爭優勢。 為瞭解東亞各國銀行業,在金融風暴發生以後,成本效率是否有所提昇,並比較各國銀行廠商效率差異,本研究採用共同成本函數(meta cost function),針對香港、泰國、馬來西亞、南韓、台灣及日本等六國銀行業做深入分析。傳統上,在做跨國銀行效率的比較分析時,常因各國金融體制與經濟狀況不一,導致成本邊界也不同,忽略此點進行估計可能會使研究結果產生偏誤,而共同成本函數考慮到不同國家的差異,無需假設各國勞動素質、生產技術和經濟制度皆須相同,能正確衡量和比較各國銀行業的效率差異,其角色如同生產理論中的包絡曲線,先找到各國個別的成本函數後,再從中找出一條可以包含各國成本函數的包絡曲線,進而得以比較各國的技術效率。 實證結果發現共同成本效率最高的是日本,表示日本的銀行廠商使用的生產技術,居五國之冠。平均而言,各國若能使用先進技術,在共同邊界上生產,可以節省28%的生產成本。技術缺口顯示各國技術的差異,各樣本國皆有銀行的生產邊界與共同邊界相切,表示這些銀行採用的生產技術水準最高。規模經濟的驗證顯示各國快接近長期成本的最低點,且具有多元經濟,為充份發揮資源共享優勢,各銀行應同時提供多種金融商品,降低生產成本。


During the Asian financial turmoil, many east and south Asian counties were heavily hit. The governments of these countries took steps to liberalize their financial industries in an attempt to improve their banks efficiency. To investigate whether the production efficiency of the banks in this area is enhanced after the financial crisis, we use the stochastic frontier approach along with meta cost function model. The stochastic meta-cost frontier model enables the calculations of relative technical efficiencies for banks operating under different technologies and of the technology gaps, to be estimated for banks under different technologies relative to the potential technology available to the industry as a whole. We collect data from Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia, Japan, republic of Korea, and Taiwan to be used in the empirical study. Evidence is found that Japan has the best level of production technology. On average, Sample banks can save about 28% of the current expenditure to produce the same amount of outputs, if they adopt the best technique to produce their outputs. The technology gap measures the difference of production technology among different groups. Each country has some banks producing on the metafrontier as there is some technology gap estimates being found to be equal to unity. Economies of scale and scope prevail in the sample, meaning that sample banks can benefit by enlarging their production scale and diversifying their outputs. This is because these actions are able to decrease the average cost.


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