  • 學位論文


The Evolving Recognition of Cultural Identity in the Post-colonial Hong Kong (1997-2005)

指導教授 : 張五岳


香港社會其所發生的一系列問題,其實都和香港的文化特質有著密切牽連;而港人文化焦慮的釋放,會反映在政治、經濟、社會各層面中;然而這種普遍存在於香港民眾的文化焦慮感,回歸以來並沒有得到特區政府的重視,香港特區政府沒有長遠的文化政策,整個文化體制存在缺陷,使港人長期處於文化失衡的邊緣狀態。 本文採取歷史研究途徑,與討論文化變遷的「建構論」交互運用,首先針對香港被英國殖民的歷史背景(1841-1997年),敘述港人本土文化認同的形成原因,並從中探討回歸後(1997-2005年)香港在政治、經濟、社會層面所出現的後殖民特徵,最後由中國在香港實行文化民族主義,以獲得港人對國家的認同感的手段,觀察回歸至今八年香港文化認同是否因此有所變遷。 本文所得出之研究發現如下: 一、香港人的文化認同,在「專制的中國政權」與「血緣相通的中國人」之間,形成一種極度矛盾的態度。 二、香港人對他者的排斥,隨著香港社會的政治經濟環境變化而變化;特別是在政治經濟出現危機的時刻,會產生強烈的排他性。 三、中共利用文化民族主義,提倡港人繼承中華文化傳統、認同中國文化,其效果由民意調查中顯示出回歸後香港市民的「中國人」認同意識逐漸增長。然而香港與內地間的社會風氣、政治環境、價值觀念和思維模式等仍存在差異,未來能否真正跨越中港文化方面的落差,仍需持續觀察。


The anxiety from the lack of cultural corpus for the people in Hong Kong has notably led to much social impact at the level of political and economic, such anxiety has even been exacerbated since the handover in 97 from British Government. Like its’ predecessor, the Government of the special administrative region holds no long-term policy towards cultural aspects, as instilling or establishment of cultural identity has long been deliberately ignored due to colonial policy. For understanding the orientation and forming of cultural recognition in Hong Kong and how it has been evolving, the study commenced research by analyzing the interaction from both historical development and theory of Constitutionalism in term of culture. It would also important to verify the cultural distinctions between the periods of British colonial rule and Post-colonial age, both cultural features had attributed to those aspects on political, economic and social surfaces. The movement of colloquialization in Hong Kong launched with the background of British colonial rule (1841-1997), whereas the handover of 97 led Hong Kong to an new Post-colonial age (1997-2005), Peking government has been instilling and adopting Chinese Nationalism to the people of Hong Kong in the hope to enhance and embedded Nationalism and Patriotism towards the motherland. The change in the features of cultural recognition of Hong Kong people can be observed from conflict over values between colonial rule and post-colonial ; 1. The recognition of cultural identity of Hong Kong people has in contradictory of “Totalitarian China” and “blood related Chinese”. 2. Hong Kong people tended to reject every critical changes of economic and political climate. The people of Hong Kong have increasingly to identify themselves as “Chinese People”, however conflict over values, mentality and cultures still occur in many ways between Hong Kong and Inner China, therefore it would be interesting to ask whether the Evolving Recognition of Cultural Identity in Hong Kong to be developed under the expectation of Peking Government, or the long existing cultural distinction shall led Hong Kong to develop character other than “Chinese Nationalism”?


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