  • 學位論文

網路社會之未來意象建構:以台灣MSN Messenger即時通訊為例

Creating Future Images in Cybersociety: Using of MSN Messenger in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳瑞貴


網路科技的出現,是導致社會主導溝通模式興替的主要原因,而其進階創新與應用的結果,都可能影響社會變遷,帶動或消弭既有權力與階級。現階段MSN Messenger的網路即時通訊,改變了人類既有的溝通方式也帶來了便利,可是背後的風險、不平等、市場化接踵而來,人與人之間關係被數位連結化後,會否有另一型態的疏離和異化,而或出現新平衡的網絡社會,值得我們探究。   本研究以MSN Messenger為主要研究場域,以實體社會建構和權力分析的角度出發,試圖找出溝通平台底下流竄的權力關係及展現方式。先進行深度訪談來檢視即時通訊使用者的動機和行為,了解MSN Messenger成為目前網路溝通科技主流的結構性因素,進而探討使用者的網際權力在既有重力下如何施展。   此篇屬於未來建構式研究,主要運作未來學方法論的層次因果分析法,把參與觀察所得來各種不同的線索和現象加以頗析,了解背後的變化過程和文化深層假設的理解,找出影響未來的主要趨力。研究後期採取質化研究途徑的民族誌未來研究來引導情節分析,藉由社會文化引領者的帶領,正確且適宜的闡明問題觀點和擴展社會選項之範圍,建構出具創意性的四種未來意象:(一)個人高度自由的網路社會;(二)個人化的多元網路社會;(三)疏離異化的網路社會;(四)相互監視的透明網路社會。最後省思共同所欲之樂觀和悲觀想像的可能影響,終極目的希冀透過正向心態能維持或增進人類福祉,使未來網路社會更和諧美好。


Emerging internet technology is the major reason to make the predominantly communicative model change in society. It is presently innovative and applicatory to affect the change of society, even if, arousing or annihilating the built-in power and class. From now on, MSN Messenger, which is an instant messenger of internet, giving an alteration to natural connection and making convenient. However something comes from behind step by step, such as risks, inequity and exploitation. After people are digital connected with each other by internet, we are not sure if that relative situation is to alienation and dissimilation in other side, or appearing a new balanced network society. It is worthy for us to explore.   This study is based on MSN Messenger to do research. Issues focus on the social construction of reality and the analysis of power. We will aim to find the flowing power relation and performing way under the communication platform. At first, the study practices in-depth interview to survey Instant Messenger user’s motivation, and understand structural factors how MSN Messenger to be a major internet communicative technology at present. Subsequently, this study treats and retraces how MSN Messenger users exercise their cyberpower in the inherent weight (What is difficult to change-- Structures such as class, patriarchy, hierarchy).   This study is belong to constructional futures research, the major research method is Causal Layered Analysis (CLA), a methodology of futurology, which we can watch and read all different situations and clues by participant research. Using of CLA method that we understand underlying change processes and culture’s deep assumption, and furthermore we are able to find out principal direction and tendency influencing future development. In the later period, this study adopts the Ethnographic Futures Research (EFR) in qualitative inquiry to elicit scenarios. Drawing support from sociocultural leaders who guide us to expand our view on the question, and they increase social options exactly and properly. Through EFR scenarios, we shape four creative future images. They are: (1) the cybersociety of perfectly individual liberty; (2) the cybersociety of individualism and diversification; (3) the cybersociety of alienation and dissimilation; (4) the transparent and surveillance cybersociety. Finally, we try to make reflective thinking about possible implications of optimistic or pessimistic visions at collective desire. By way of positive mindset, the overriding purpose of this study is to maintain or improve human well-being and partnership preferable futures of the cybersociety.




