  • 學位論文


A TRIZ Based Systematic Methodology in Resolving Dilemma of Environmental Policy

指導教授 : 陳俊成


國內執行環保政策每每遇到困境,此困境包含因憂心打擊經濟未能施行法定政策、環保抗爭、環保政策欠周延、政策執行失當等。相關機關面對此等困境時,多採個案息事寧人方式處理,欠缺系統化、制度化、預防化之處理機制,導致類此環境困境案例一再重複發生,回顧監察院最近十年來所提之環保類糾正案清楚顯示此現象。為解決此等問題,本研究參考TRIZ矛盾矩陣表,運用監察院最近十年來所提之環保類111件糾正案,找出造成環境困境之11項主要因素,其次,利用模糊數學綜合評價法與灰關聯分析法,分別找出此11項因素與TRIZ矛盾矩陣表中39項工程參數之隸屬性之對應關係。再依據此對應關係,運用TRIZ矛盾矩陣表中40條創新原則在非技術領域之意義,完成建購「解決環境困境創新原則矩陣表」,提供解決環境困境之參考。 本研究提出解決環境困境問題之系統思考與具體步驟為: 1.找出造成環境困境之主要因素,其中一為須維持目前水準之因素(矩陣之列),一為須改善之因素(矩陣之行)。 2.於「解決環境困境創新原則矩陣表」中,找出前述「列」、「行」交叉處之創新原則,成為思考解決問題之大原則、大方向。 3.依據前述創新原則,利用可拓工程「物元變換」方法,找到創新方案。 4.配合其它分析方法,如排程理論、資料包絡法、價值工程、AHP分析解決方案的可行性。 本研究依據此解決問題程序,以八個環境困境案例示範尋求解決方案與可行性分析,八個環境困境案例分別為: 1.創新水污染總量管制方案。 2.居民投資入股興建事業廢棄物焚化廠創新方案。 3.創新水源保護補償誘因方案。 4.創新垃圾焚化廠形象改造方案。 5.簽定工安環保協定預防公害糾紛方案。 6.民眾參與海洋污染緊急應變方案。 7.創新土壤污染補償方案。 8.創新廢土減量與再利用方案。 本研究所提出解決環境困境問題之系統思考與步驟,與示範尋求解決方案之八個環境困境案例,可提供環保相關機關制定環保政策、執行環保政策、解決環境困境問題之參考。


TRIZ 可拓 總量管制 創新


To implement environmental policies, government body usually encounters dilemma of balance between environmental objectives and economic development. More difficulties may occur in environmental law enforcement, dealing with environmental protest and incomplete implementation for environmental policies.To resolve these dilemma or difficulties, related governmental authorities and organizations often treat the cases with individual approach under the individual case’s specific circumstance. There is a need to develop a systematic approach or tool to resolve the dilemma while avoiding personal preference or subjective judgment. In this study, a TRIZ based methodology to find alternatives for resolving the dilemma or difficulties was developed and eight cases study was demonstrated the procedures of the problem solving approach. In this study there are one hundred and eleven environmental related cases which Control Yuan has investigated between the years of 1985-95 are reviewed. The review concluded that there are eleven major factors causing the investigated complain cases. The eleven factors then are related with the thirty night engineering parameters in the TRIZ Contradiction Matrix by means of grey analysis and genetic evaluation approach. There are forty innovative solution principles corresponding to the non-technical TRIZ Contradiction Matrix was established. Combine the innovative principles and non-technical TRIZ Contradiction Matrix, one can applies them in the searching for alternatives in resolving environmental dilemma. The proposed resolving procedures are concluded as follows: 1.Find out the main factors which result in environmental dilemma. The factors may include the sustaining parameters (listed in the row of the Matrix), and the improving parameters (listed in the column of the Matrix). 2.Find out the innovative principles by relating the above non-technical TRIZ Contradiction Matrix with the corresponding innovative principles listed in the same element in the Innovative Principle Matrix. The found innovative principles then provide the guidelines for formulating the resolution of the environmental dilemma. 3.By means of auxiliary methods the feasibility of the resolution alternatives can be evaluated. To demonstrate the methodology, there are eight case studies was performed in this study. They are 1.An innovative way toward a river water quality control, 2.An innovative solution in resolving conflict in building industrial waste incinerators from local resident, 3.An innovative plan on promoting protection of water resources reservor, 4.An innovative plan on improving image and on enriching functions of municipal incinerators, 5.An innovative plan on releasing the tension between industry and local residences, 6.An innovative plan on the public participating in the emergency reaction to sea water pollution event, 7.An innovative plan on the assessment of compensation for soil pollution, 8.An innovative plan on reducing and reusing construction earth work. This study proposes a systematical methodology in resolving environmental dilemma. The demonstrated case studies provides alternatives for environmental policy makers and implementation organizations.


TRIZ Extenics total mass control innovation


83.TRIZ Journal,Ruchti,B.,Livotov P.,TRIZ based innovation principles and process for problem solving in business and management.The TRIZ Journal.December,2001.http://www.triz-journal.com/archives/2001/12/c/index.htm(2006.05.30).


