  • 學位論文


The Praxis of Pre-service Chinese Language Teachers in the Microteaching Session: A Case Study of the Teacher Training Program

指導教授 : 施如齡


受到「全球華語熱」浪潮的衝擊,海內外對於華語師資的需求明顯倍增,而面對著全球學術教育界一片重視華語文教學的呼籲,瞭解什麼才是優良而專業的華語師資在認知(學科知識)、情意(教學態度)、技能(教學技巧)方面所應具備的內涵、以及如何實施相關的華語師資培訓是極為重要的。因此,本研究之目的便在於透過微型教學的方式進行華語師資的培訓,並也觀測受訓於華語師資培訓機構中的華語職前教師在華語文教學的認知、情意、技能方面的轉換與表現,冀以協助華語職前教師一步步地接近優良而專業的華語教師「知(教師知識)」「能(教學能力)」合一之途。 本研究以三名華語職前教師作為研究對象,而研究結果顯示,經過參與微型教學的活動之後,三位教師從微型教學的過程中慢慢檢討修正,逐漸塑造其個人的教學模式,以求能完整的呈現各種知識型態,表露教學信念與態度,並活用多項教學技巧。 根據研究結果,本文提出:華語師資的內涵涉及六大面向,務求加深加廣與靈活巧用;其次,華語文教學的認知、情意、技能相結合,從觀摩他人到自我創新;再者,華語師資培訓應該達到理論與實踐結合,以理論為體,以實踐為用;以及利用微型教學的方式增進華語文教學技巧等四點結論與建議。


A Chinese language fever has been fast spreading worldwide, and the need for Chinese teachers has doubled in amount. As academic educational circles pay extensive attention to Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (TCSL), it is extremely important to understand what a good Chinese teacher is, and how to train a professional Chinese teacher. The purpose of this research is to observe Chinese teachers’ cognitive, affective, and skill performance in microteaching sessions, and describe how they are trained to become a good and professional Chinese teacher. Three pre-service Chinese teachers participated in this study. The result showed that the teachers molded their instructional styles and effectiveness during the process of microteaching, and can successfully present various knowledge types, show their teaching beliefs, and use several teaching skills after training. The research concluded with four suggestions. First, the quality of Chinese teachers involves six aspects where they can work to reach high effectiveness of teaching. Second, starting with observing and imitating others, the teachers should be able to apply theories of TCSL and implement in their classrooms so to reach self-innovation in the end. Third, Chinese teacher training should design courses to help pre-service teachers to combine theories and practice. Last, microteaching can be helpful to train Chinese language teachers to improve teaching skills.


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