  • 學位論文


A Study of Indicator Development for School-based Social Studies Curriculum Evaluation.

指導教授 : 歐用生


因應社會變遷與教育改革趨勢所規劃的九年一貫課程,將課程權力下放,提倡學校本位課程的發展,並說明學校應肩負起課程評鑑的責任。基於學校本位課程評鑑對於學校課程發展的必要性,以及社會學習領域課程對於實現九年一貫課程培育現代公民的重要性,本研究旨在建構一套適切的學校本位社會學習領域課程評鑑指標,以期有助於未來各校發展社會學習領域課程與課程品質之維繫。 為達上述目的,首先透過社會學習領域課程與學校本位課程評鑑理念與內涵的探討,並參考國內外相關評鑑指標研究,初步擬定學校本位社會學習領域課程評鑑指標系統。接著採用模糊德懷術(Fuzzy Delphi technique)徵詢國內社會學習領域與課程評鑑專家、學者,教科書編審委員,以及教學經驗豐富之社會學習領域教師之意見,進而篩選出適用的評鑑指標。依據研究結果,提出研究結論如下: 一、社會學習領域係為培育參與社會能力與良好公民素養的統整性課程。 二、學校本位課程發展是以學校為核心,因應學校情境,由學校自主性規劃具學校特色課程的發展活動。 三、學校本位課程評鑑應實施於課程發展的各個階段,以提昇學校課程品質。 四、本研究所建構之學校本位社會學習領域課程評鑑指標系統,分為五大層面,十一個向度,共二十八項評鑑指標。 五、學者專家與教師之間對於評鑑標準的認知有所差異。 最後根據研究結果,提出具體建議以供未來進行相關研究之參考。


This study is based on the implementation of the school-based curriculum in the Nine-year Consistent Curriculum. The purpose is to establish evaluation system of school-based social studies curriculum, in the hope of providing more information for the future curriculum development, and sustaining the quality of the curriculum. To achieve the purpose above, this study has probed into literature in order to be the basis of the research structure, and referred to some evaluation indicators of the foreign and internal to establish evaluation indicator system of school-based social studies curriculum. After that, adopting the method of Fuzzy Delphi technique to collect diverse opinions for reference.According to the research, conclusions as follow: 1.Social studies learning area is an integrated curriculum. Its main aim is to help students developing the civic literacy and the ability of participation in social activities. 2."School-based curriculum development" means that each school can develop their own curriculum. The members of curriculum development should design a suitable curriculum for students according to individual school's circumstance and environment. 3.Each stage of the curriculum development should be evaluated to improve the quality of curriculum. 4.The evaluation indicator system for school-based social studies curriculum which this study constructs includes five evaluation levels, eleven items and twenty-eight indicators. 5.Experts and teachers have different opinions on evaluation indicators. Finally, basing on the research, some suggestions are provided for future research on school-based social studies curriculum evaluation.


