  • 學位論文

生活型態與市場區隔之研究- 以淡江大學商學院EMBA為例

Life-style and Market Segmentation: a Case Study on the EMBA Program in the College of Business at Tamkang University.

指導教授 : 林光賢


生活型態與人口統計變數在行銷領域上一直被廣泛的利用。 特別是如何應用生活型態與人口統計變數進行市場區隔,使企業能在策略的擬定上的更為有效益,亦是目前行銷研究上的主要課題。 本研究利用相關的統計分析,如次數分析(Frequency Analysis)、信度分析(Reliability Analysis)、因素分析(Factor Analysis)等,並再進一步驗證生活型態與市場區隔的關係。 研究結果發現生活型態族群可利用人口統計變數進行市場區隔,且此市場區隔是有效的,並可將市場區隔成追求流行、重視家庭觀念、社會責任感、相信人員推薦、喜歡折扣、休閒活動、喜愛逛路邊攤活動、相信廣告、重視運動保健等族群。產品定位及制定行銷策略時,若能配合上述發現,或是將特定產品訴求於相關特定目標客戶,定可達事半功倍與降低行銷成本之效果。


生活型態 市場區隔 普查


Life-styles and demographic variables have been widely used in the field of marketing. Resent studies of marketing focus on how to use life-styles and demographic variables to attain market segregation, in order for businesses to make strategies more efficiently. This study uses relevant statistics analyses, such as frequency analysis, reliability analysis, factor analyses, and etc., to further prove the relation between life-styles and market segmentation. The study finds that life-style groups can utilize demographic variables to conduct market segmentation, which is proven to be effective in segregating the market into the following groups: pursuing fashion, valuing family and social responsibilities, trusting recommendations and advertisements, enjoying discounts and recreations, enjoying local markets and gatherings, valuing exercises and health, and so on. When positioning products and making marketing strategies, it would be more efficient and cost effective to incorporate the findings of this study into the process, or to target specific products needs on specific customers.


life-style Market Segmentation Census


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