  • 學位論文


A Case Study of a Private Senior High School in Taoyuan County on the Innovative Management and Marketingn Strategies.

指導教授 : 楊國賜


二十一世紀是知識經濟的時代,同時也是一個以顧客為導向的行銷時代,知識經濟的團隊創造以經成為企業和教育的共同目標,如何掌握知識能力以激發創新價值進而提升競爭力是刻不容緩的事;創新是一種有目的和規律的活動,能創造更高的附加價值,在這環境變動快速的時代,創新已經成為各種產業生存發展的關鍵因素,而行銷策略是使組織能夠成功服務目標市場消費者的最佳手段,並能在目標市場的競爭上佔有一席之地,今日,學校面臨全球化的激烈競爭,學校決策階層在面對內外在環境的改變和不確定性之下,勢必要為學校引進各項創新及行銷策略,方能凌越對手的競爭壓力,開創利基。 有鑒於學校創新經營與行銷對校務經營的重要性與日俱增,本研究遂以桃園縣某私立高中為例,採個案研究方式,以訪談、實地觀察及文件分析等為資料蒐集的方法,探討學校創新經營與行銷策略的運作情形,內容包括個案學校創新經營及行銷策略推行現況、重要性認知、態度、實際運作情形及困境等。 學校創新經營的內涵具有多面向,包括行政運作創新、教學專業創新、設備資源創新、文化氣氛創新、公共關係創新及資訊科技創新等項,而學校行銷策略的運用方面,包含內部、外部及互動行銷,在5P行銷策略方面則包括產品行銷策略、價格行銷策略、推廣行銷策略、通路行銷策略、人員行銷策略等項。本研究據此進行個案創新經營與行銷策略的分析與比較,嘗試歸納整理其相關因素,或可給予個案學校些許想法,做為改善學校體質的參考,以提升學校競爭力,並提供其他同性質學校經營發展時若干作為之參考。


Twenty first century is an era of knowledge economy which aims at customer-oriented marketing. Knowledge economy by teamwork innovation is the mutual target of enterprise and educational institution. Therefore, it is imperative to dominate the power of knowledge to arouse the value of innovation and promote core competence. Innovation is a purposive and regular activity which can create more additional value. Nowadays information changes so swiftly that innovation is already a critical factor of how an enterprise survives and develops in the long-run future. Marketing strategy becomes the best approach to successfully provide services for target consumers and take a stand on the target market. Now educational institutions confront with by severe competition of globalization. Consequently, decision makers must adopt various innovation and marketing strategies when dealing with changes and uncertainty from internal and external environment to surpass opponents and lead an organization to a new niche territory. Due to the increasing importance of innovation management and marketing of educational institution, this study chooses one private high school in Tao-yuan County as an example to discuss operating conditions of innovation management of educational institution and marketing strategies by using case study, interview, authentic observation and document classification. The content includes innovation management of educational institution, developmental situation of marketing strategies, significance cognition, attitude, actual operating conditions and dilemmas. The content of innovation management of educational institution involves multiple perspectives such as administration innovation, curriculum and teaching profession innovation, facilities resources innovation, atmosphere and culture of educational institution innovation, public relationship innovation, information technology innovation and so on. Otherwise, marketing strategies also contain internal, external and interactive marketing. Additionally, the 5P marketing strategy represents product, price, people, place, and promotion. This study is based on this case and will classify and compare innovation management and marketing strategies to generalize related improvement methods for this school to promote competence. Other homogeneous educational institutions can take these as reference when developing school management.




