  • 學位論文


The Impact of Privatizing Japanese Postal Service on Home Delivery Services.

指導教授 : 任燿廷


日本郵政在小泉純一郎首相大力推動下,自2003年4月1日成立日本郵政公社,2007年10月1日開始民營化,要歷經10年的移轉期,直到2017年才完全民營化。雖然民營化移轉期才開始一年多,但從2003年郵政公社化開始,其包裹業務自表4-5就可看出比2002年成長50%,2004年又調降大宗包裹的折扣率,包裹運送量更是倍數成長,但是因為削價競爭,其營業利益不增反降,使得排名前幾名的宅配業倍感壓力。因此大和運輸公司控告日本郵政公社夾著龐大資產規模,憑著潛在的獨占率與法律的保障,以不公平的立足點驅逐民間企業,排擠既存的民間企業的生存之道。而排名第三的日通鵜鶘便的業績亦逐年下滑,市佔率只有11%,為了求生存,不得不採取與日本郵便事業合作的策略,共同成立JP EXPRESS的宅配公司,將於2009年10月1日正式成立,其成效如何?對其他業者的影響等尚須多加時日的追蹤。 本研究只針對郵局的本業,如遞送信件、包裹、雜誌、報紙和公文書等的郵便事業株式會社及與它競爭的日本宅配業做研究,瞭解其競爭實力之消長,用以擬訂產業競爭策略。本研究結論主要歸納有下列三點:一、重新檢討郵政民營化的成果,活用民間智慧自主自立經營,政府不要任意介入干涉。二、避免激怒二十七萬郵政員工及眷屬,牽動郵政國會生態問題。成立一筆一兆日円的基金,保障偏遠地區仍可享受到價格低廉民營郵政的服務。三、對於今後宅配業的發展,避免殺價流血競爭、開發新業務、創造新市場、利用新科技提高服務品質、降低生產成本。


民營化 移轉期 宅配業 獨占率 競爭策略


Thanks to the encouragement of the Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, the Japanese Postal Service was privatized on October 1st, 2007. The transition takes about 10 years for the privatization process to full effect, from 2007 to 2017. Ever since the very early stage of the privatization, the load of parcel service has been doubled. However, the intense competition among the Japanese Postal Service and some of the leading Home Delivery Service companies has caused a tremendous decrease in profits. These private companies, such as Da-Ho Transport Company, accused the Japanese Postal Service of its monopoly on market share, which consequently deprived other competitors of their rights of surviving on the market. This research, therefore, intends to study the competition among the Japanese Postal Service and a few private Home Delivery Service companies. Moreover, the study shows the impact on these private companies in terms of how they changed their delivering strategies after the privatization of Japanese Postal Service. The conclusions drawn from this study indicate that governmental interference should be prudent, and the government should provide more capital to ensure the quality of the postal service in remote areas. In addition, for the prospects of delivering services, intense competition should be avoided if these companies want to lower the cost and enhance the quality of their services.


8. 林淑馨(2004)<民營化與第三部門:日本鐵路改革經驗的反思>,《國立政治大學公共行政學報》,第11期,頁109-142。
6. 林昀儂(2006)<產業鏈圖之建構方法研究>,國立成功大學工業設計學系碩士論文。
