  • 期刊


The Political Dynamics of Structural Reform in Japan: The Privatization of the Four Highway-Related Public Corporation


「結構改革優先」或是「景氣復甦優先」?這是90年代泡沫經濟破滅之後,日本的最重要課題,亦是現代工業國家的共同困境。 小泉純一郎以黨內少數派的弱勢,當選為自民黨總裁,並順利組閣執政。小泉首相將道路公團的民營化視為「結構改革」的主要政策之一。因為道路公團的規模最大,涉及政治家利權的程度最深。道路政策是自民黨傳統政治的型態,亦為「利益誘導政治」的典型。而道路政策一直為自民黨內最大派閥的專屬利益,目前則由主張「景氣復甦優先」的橋本派掌控。因此,道路公團民營化政策直接衝擊到以橋本派為首的保守勢力的政治利益。 但是小泉內閣卻在2004年6月2日成功的通過了〈道路公團民營化法〉,規定道路公團自2005年10月1日起,開始民營化。以道路公團民營化為中心,形成「改革勢力」與「抵抗勢力」的對立軸,成為現代日本政治運作的模式。 基於以上的關心,本文主要探討以下三個主題。第一是說明何謂利益誘導政治。第二是探討小泉首相為何要實施「道路公團民營化」。第三是分析改革勢力與抵抗勢力的對立關係,並說明小泉首相推動「道路公團民營化」的手法。


Junichiro Koizumi, who is in the minority in the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), is however elected as the leader of the LDP, and later appointed as Prime Minister. Prime Minister Koizumi regards the privatization of the Four Highway-Related Public Corporation as the most important policy. The Road Policy has long been the traditional type and the model of interest-guided politics in the LDP. The policy grants the biggest faction in the LDP exclusive rights. Now, the biggest one is Ryutarou Hashimoto faction, which insists the economic revival policy. Hence, the privatization policy is sure to invade the rights of the conservative powers by Ryutarou Hashimoto faction. But Koizumi Regime succeeds in passing ”the bill of the privatization of the Four Highway-Related Public Corporation” on Jun 2, 2004. According to the bill, the policy will take effect on Oct 1, 2005. Based on the concern, the paper deals with three main issues. The first issue is to explain what the ”earmarked funds for road improvement” is, and why the privatization policy is required; moreover, the structure of the interest-guided politics will be illustrated. The second issue is to discuss the opposing relations between the resistance powers and the conservative powers when Koizumi Regime enforces the privatization policy. The last one will analyze the political tactics employed by Koizumi Regime, and examine whether Prime Minister Koizumi achieves the goal of the structural reform or not.
