  • 學位論文

探索審議式民主與社區願景建構之可能意義 -以淡水社區大學21世紀地方議程工作坊為例

Exploring Reflexive Meanings of Deliberative Democracy on Building Visions of Community -A Case study of Workshop for Agenda 21 in Tamsui Community

指導教授 : 陳國華


社區就像是社會的縮影,台灣近幾年開始重視社區的發展以建立社會基礎力量。社區的建置是一個不斷溝通與發展的過程,沒有所謂的完成或結束。社區的人事物不斷在進行著流動,彼此交互影響,在變動的過程中尋找適合的方式發展其形貌。為發展公民社會,捲動由下而上的社會力量,台灣開始在社區推動審議民主,以期將審議民主中公民參與的理念在社區裡實踐,促進社區民眾公共參與的意願與開啟社區民眾參與公共政策討論的機會。 研究者在參與社區型公民會議的過程中,發現會議所討論的議題在會議結束之後未能持續被關注,社區民眾的行動網絡也未能建構起來。社區民眾本身及社區行動都是影響社區發展的關鍵因素。研究者不禁提問,為何社區民眾在討論之後難以發展行動,實踐其理念落實於生活?本文以淡水社區為例,透過與社區民眾的晤談,結合社會互動概念與人文區位學,發現社區的發展驅力在於「社區意識」與「社區居民與社區的連結」,而社區民眾的主體發展更是關係到其參與社區事務主動性及社區願景發展的關鍵因素,最後反思審議民主與社區民眾主體發展及社區願景建構的可能性發展。


This study aims at exploring the meanings and interactions between community and deliberative democracy. As we commonly know that community represents civil spirit and the essence of civil society. It also is the fundamental unit of civil society and its action is essential to the development of community. To develop an ideal form of civil society, deliberative democracy has been practiced on community in Taiwan for several years. People discuss social issues or national policies through the norms of meeting. Discussing through deliberative way for the public in community is something difficult and different from usual meeting. Particularly when the public in the meeting usually keep silent or insist on their own opinion. Furthermore, it is hard for the community to form collective action even when consensus is formed. The research has therefore tried to probe into the question if deliberative democracy could facilitate civil society in Taiwan. Community awareness and community links are key drivers of community development after carefully analyzing workshop report of Agenda 21 of Tamsui community and interviews of the community leaders and residents. Deliberative democracy makes people realizing the essence of meaningful discussions, mutual communication and opinion representation. The finding suggests that we should foster community awareness and community links. With the additional catalyst effect of deliberative democracy, visions of community and scenarios of alternative futures could be effectively developed.


余小玲 ,2002,〈網路社會的形構----Castells論流動空間〉,《資訊社會研究》,第3期,頁239-250。
