  • 學位論文


The relations between initial three novel of Haruki Murakami and “Norwegian Wood” ; from view point of narration

指導教授 : 曾秋桂


本論文設定了三個問題,分成五章行考察。第一章是村上春樹的研究動向。第二章以「敘述」為中心進行考察。第三、四章以「敘述」及「構造」的關係進行考察。第五章分析浮現出的作品主題。 第一個課題是村上文學中「敘述」的特色。簡單的說就是「隱蔽」。由於「敘述」的方式,村上作品的各種要素被隱藏。 第二個課題是作品構造與「敘述」的關係。「敘述」的特色將作品的構造複雜化。複雜的作品構造與「敘述」可說是隱藏作品主題的裝置。 第三個課題是被隱藏的作品主題。分析「敘述」及作品構造之後,浮現出的村上春樹文學的主題為「死」。初期三部作中「死」可看作是隱藏「自我對話」的裝置。藉由「分身」的概念,『挪威的森林』中的「死」與「生」緊密相關。


In this thesis, three problems were installed, and consideration separately for Chapter 5 was advanced. Chapter 1 is a research direction in Haruki Murakami.Chapter 2 sees mainly narration. Chapter the 3rd and 4th, consideration was advanced around the relation between narrator and the description. And, Chapter 5 is a search for the subject that comes from the descriptio intertwined to talking to the surface. The first problem is working that talking about the Murakami literature accomplishes in the work. In a word, it is concealment. As for talking, the tendency to conceal various elements that lurk in the work is seen. The second problem is a relation between the structure of the story and narrator. The trait of talking about the Haruki Murakami literature complicated the structure of the story. As for the structure of a complex story and talking, when it is a device that conceals the subject of the work. The third problem is a subject of the work concealed in the structure of narrator and the story. The subject "Death" in the Haruki Murakami literature has come to the surface. It is initial three work and "Death" is a device that conceals "Conversation with the ego". "Death" became the one connected with "Life" by "the other cast" in “Norwegian Wood”.


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(1995)『國文學 解釈と教材の研究 第40巻4号』學燈社
(1998)『國文學 解釈と教材の研究 第43巻3号』學燈社
(2000)『ユリイカ 第32巻4号』青土社


劉德敏(2012)。村上春樹作品《1Q84》中「入口」與「出口」之意涵 -以女主角青豆的「自我改革」為中心-〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2012.00193
