  • 學位論文


A Study on Changing Factors and Trends of PLA’s Political Work from 1949 to 2008

指導教授 : 曾復生


政治工作是共軍的優良傳統,也是共軍特有的優勢。中共自建 軍之初,即將以黨領軍的原則,作為建軍之魂、立軍之本,以此詮 釋有別於傳統的新型人民軍隊。並認為政治工作不但可為解放軍打 贏高技術局部戰爭提供可靠的政治保證,更提供解放軍強大的精神 動力和智力支持。因而共軍全面要求政工幹部必須要研究和關注高 技術條件下的局部戰爭之政治思路,以期能有新思維和啟示,有效 克服一切內外在矛盾,完成「打得贏」和「不變質」之保證作用。 所以我們從解構共軍政治工作理論,可以瞭解共軍政治工作的作用 與運作模式;從共軍各時期政治工作調整變革,評估其在軍隊組織 內部的效用,進而掌握其未來發展趨向。 由本文對共軍政治工作轉變因素的研析,吾人可從歷史研究途 徑中發現,毛澤東以其最大的意志力不斷堅持遂行共軍政工制度, 使毛澤東思想、毛澤東軍隊政治思想成為共軍政治工作的行動指 南;鄧小平對共軍政工制度最大貢獻,便是使政治工作朝向制度 化、規範化發展,不僅匡正文革的左傾錯誤,並繼承發揚毛澤東關 於政治工作的思想理論。江澤民主導共軍政治工作則是延續創黨建 軍以來,黨指揮槍的傳統,視政工制度為維護政權的萬靈丹,以快 速反應、靈活多變、簡明有效的手法,試圖為政治工作注入生機與 活力。胡錦濤主政以來,推動共軍政治工作法制化作為,顯然已確 立胡錦濤治軍思想在黨內的指導地位,進一步鞏固其軍權,同時為 「黨對軍隊的絕對領導」制度,提供完整的法源依據,使黨對軍隊 的領導、監督更為深化。從中共四位主要領導人之主政時期的共軍 政工制度演變,探討其轉變因素和發展趨勢,進一步了解共軍政工 制度的重要性、差別性與一致性。


Political Work is the superb tradition of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) and has a unique superiority to other nations as well. Since the establishment of the PRC, the PLA has been under the steering of the state-run Chinese Communist. The PLA takes this a soul principle of its military nature and makes it a new people military other than those of conventional concepts. It is considered that political work can provide the PLA not only a reliable political guarantee to win local wars under high-tech conditions but also a tremendous morale boost and intellectual support. Regarding this, the PLA makes a sweeping demand that all Political Work cadre devote themselves to working on political chain of thought to steer the winning of the local wars under high-tech conditions, expecting that new thinking and inspiration can effectively overcome the contradictions from within and without. This may guarantee the PLA a capable power to win a war without suffering from deterioration. This paper expects to find out the functions and patterns employed by the PLA’s Political Work through decomposing its theory. The trend in the future may also be predicted through assessing PLA organization affected by the adjustments and transformation of its Political Work. This paper, through historical approach, finds that the changing factors of the PLA’s Political Work may trace back to Mao Zedong, who put his greatest willpower to uphold the execution of the PLA’s Political Work, placing Mao’s thoughts and his military political ideology as guidelines to follow out. The greatest contribution of Deng Xiaoping made to the PLA’s Political Work System was to drive it to develop systematically and canonically. Not only did he correct the left-leaning mistake of Cultural Revolution, but he inherited Mao’s thoughts and theories to push Political Work forward. PLA’s Political Work in Jian Zemin’s age maintained the principle that the Party commands the gun. Political Work system was regarded as a panacea to safeguard the regime and kept the system rejuvenating through taking measures of rapid reaction, agility and effectiveness. Since taking the reins, Hu Jintao has acted as the driving force to have PLA’s Political Work System legalized, which obviously ascertains his supreme status among the party in directing military policies and, thus, puts his power over the military even further. It is in Hu’s reins that PLA’s Political Work gets its source of law for the policy that the Party reins supreme leadership over the military, which helps deepen the Party’s leadership and supervision to the military. This paper aims to discuss the changing factors and the trends of the PLA’s Political Work through its transformation over the four major leader’s reins to reach a further understanding of the importance, diversity and coherence of the PLA’s Political Work System.


1. 丁樹範,《胡錦濤時代的挑戰》,(台北:新新聞文化事業股份有限公司,2002年12月)。
4. 丌樂義,《三戰風雲-新形勢下的台海危機》,(台北:黎明文化事業股份有限公司出版,2008年7月)。
