  • 學位論文

以大衛•羅伊(David Loy)之佛教、文學與社會理論,當代美國詩集、散文及流行音樂中有關環境生態之作品選讀

An Environmental Reading of selected contemporary American poetry, prose, and popular music, based on David Loy's Buddhist Social Theory

指導教授 : 羅艾琳


佛教社會理論發展至今,亦如基督教之社會理論與其發展模式,以不同觀點詮釋文學與文化的發展與形成。 美國佛學研究學者大衛•羅伊(David Loy)著眼於以佛教社會理論評論西方文化與哲學的既定思維,藉以尋求另類文化與哲學上之詮釋方式。 本論文則應用羅伊之佛教社會理論與概念,閱讀流行化與物質化後的文學作品,企圖評述人類社會與環境生態間的相互關係。 導論簡述羅伊與佛教社會理論之背景,其中包括關鍵詞彙、術語與概念解釋。 第一章則運用第一章中所討論之佛教社會理論觀點來分析伊麗莎白.碧許(Elizabeth Bishop), 瑪麗.奧力佛(Mary Oliver)及 蒂尼絲雷維托夫(Denise Levertov)的詩作。 第二章則應用佛教社會理論剖析加拿大音樂人瓊妮•蜜雪兒(Joni Mitchell)極富力量的音樂作品《閃耀》(Shine). 第三章則討論奧妲維亞•巴特勒(Octavia Butler)的《異種生殖三部曲》(Xenogenesis Trilogy),以及該作品所具體呈現佛教中的菩薩觀。 本論文結論,參考釋迦牟尼佛(Shakyamuni), 阿彌陀佛(Amitabha), 文殊菩薩(Manjushri), 普賢菩薩(Samantabhadra), 觀世音菩薩(Avalokiteshvara), and 維摩詰(Vimalakirti),筆者將文中所探討之作者及作品作出比較。 每一佛教中的菩薩觀講述一啟發教化所需之必要特質及信仰信念。在結語中,文中所探討之作者及文學作品將被歸類評價為許多信仰信念的識別證明,舉例說明,就像我們所熟知的觀世音菩薩就是慈悲的化身。


Like its Christian counterparts, Buddhist social theory has developed from a desire to interpret literature and culture through a context of belief. Western Buddhists are engaged in a project which critiques the cultural and philosophical assumptions of the West and seeks alternative interpretations. Such is the project of David Loy. It is the purpose of this dissertation to apply Buddhist concepts as they are used by Loy to a selection of texts, both popular cultural productions and more reified literary productions, in order to make a social and an environmental argument. The Introduction will give a brief introduction to Loy and then delineate his Buddhist social theory, including its key terms and concepts. Chapter One uses the perspective of the Buddhist social theory discussed in the introduction to analyze selected poetry of Elizabeth Bishop, Mary Oliver, and Denise Levertov. Chapter Two demonstrates how Buddhist social theory can be applied to the work of a single album, Shine, by Joni Mitchell. Chapter Three discusses Octavia Bulter’s Xenogenesis Trilogy as a bodhisattva narrative. The Conclusion compares the writers and the works discussed in this dissertation in reference to Shakyamuni, Amitabha, Manjushri, Samantabhadra, Avalokiteshvara, and Vimalakirti. Each bodhisattva represents a quality and practice essential for enlightenment and the bodhisattva way. For example, Avalokiteshvara is the embodiment of compassion. In the conclusion, the writers and works of literature discussed in this dissertation will be evaluated as exemplars of one or many of these practices. Key Words: Elizabeth Bishop, Mary Oliver, and Denise Levertov David, Loy, Joni Mitchetll, Octavia Butler, Buddhism, social theory, environmental literature


Bernstein, Richard. “Booming China, Migrant Misery.” New York Review of Books. 14 Sept.
Web. 23 Aug. 2010.
Bishop, Elizabeth. “At the Fishhouses.” Poets.org. n.d. Web. 5 Aug. 2010.
Buddhism. Christopher S. Queen and Sallie B. King. (Ed.) New York: State U of
Coleman, James William. The New Buddhism. Oxford: Oxford U P, 2001. Print.
