  • 學位論文


India’s Look East Policy and Foreign Affais

指導教授 : 翁明賢


冷戰的結束象徵「兩極對立」國際局勢的轉變,對於身處於南亞大陸的印度當然也無法避免全球化這股浪潮。面對全球化的趨勢的快速劇變,印度政府也開始積極尋求新的改革政策。主要的因素有二:來自於最有實力的盟友蘇聯解體,而使印度失去了重要的政治依靠和戰略夥伴。另外,印度長期「不結盟運動」在國際舞台上喪失了誘因與籌碼,無法繼續在兩大集團中獲得利益,而使其失去繼續存在的價值;印度執政菁英不得不思考印度的未來。 因此,當印度拉奧政府在1991年「國家外交政策決議」中指出注重東方、加強與東南亞、遠東國家在政治、經濟、商業和文化上的聯繫,強調拉近與東協國家的關係,提升印度的國際影響力。印度的「東向政策」與東協的發展需求上有著各自的互補點,因此,當印度提出「東向經濟政策」時,東協積極支持發展與印度的雙邊關係。實施全方位外交合作發展與東協國家的關係,使其成為印度外交戰略的主軸。把發展同緬甸、泰國和越南等東南亞國家的關係作為其「東向」戰略的主線,雙方在政治、經濟、國家安全防務等方面的加強合作。 與東協合作印度不僅可獲得東協在區域和國際事務中的支持,更有利於增加印度在外交戰略上迴旋空間。以聯合國為例,印度一直希望能成為聯合國常任理事國。因此,印度希望從與東協國家的經貿合作與提供經濟援助入手,逐步贏得支持。而東協也看好印度不斷上升的國際地位,希望在此區域中打出「印度牌」,以平衡中、美、日等大國在東協的競逐。東向政策對印度和東協來說可謂是雙贏的政策。 印度的影響力越來越不容小覷,台灣與印度的交流也越來越加深。小國在國際外交的舞台上沒有太多的選擇權力,尤其台灣身處於複雜的兩岸局勢之中,任何與崛起中大國交往的機會我們都不容忽視,如同台灣對中國龐大市場的投資,印度也是一個有龐大潛力的新興市場,再加上印度在法律、金融與民主制度上是較完善的國家,因此積極與印度發展雙邊關係是台灣是在未來必行的道路。希望藉由本文對印度的歷史、外交、國家安全戰略的研究,提供讀者對於印度的了解與拓展視野,為兩國未來彼此的發展與合作奠下深厚的基礎。


The purpose of this thesis is discussed the “India’s Look East policy”. From the end of the Cold War announced "Bipolar System” had been finished and was going to face a changeful new world. Of course, India cannot avoid this wave of globalization. The Indian government began to seek new reform policies when India faced this rapid globalization upheaval. There are two mainly factors: first, the disintegration of the Soviet Union impacted his partner, INDIA. India lost the most important political and strategic supporting partner. Therefore it mean that India must rely on themself without helping of the Soviet. Second, India's long run policy , non-aligned movement, has lost his advantage and value of implementation in the international community. That’s why India's ruling elite had to think about their future. Therefore, in 1991, the Rao Government offered "the country's foreign policy decisions" that primary development would focus on the eastern countries. There emphasized that cooperation with Southeast Asia and the Far East countries, Japan, China, South Korea and Taiwan, in the political, economic, commercial and cultural. To closer India’s relationship with ASEAN countries and enhance India's international influence. From this study we can understand that India's "Look East "policy and the development needs of ASEAN have complementary relationship. And realizing why when India proposed "Look East economic policy ", ASEAN would actively support the development of bilateral relations . And to look for some evidences to prove “Look East Policy” will improve India’s development conditions of economy, diplomacy and military. The conclusion of this study, we will focus on Indian three mainly goals: 1. Does India have been raisin g ? 2. Does India can be a member of the United Nations Security 3. Does India can be a great influence power in the world ? And hope readers can through our research understand more about India. Offering a new direction to India’s research of Taiwan’s academic world.


Look East Policy ASEAN Rao AIJSCC


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