  • 學位論文


A study of the key factor of organizational change under financial reform : taking First Commercial Bank as an example

指導教授 : 黃振豊
共同指導教授 : 孔繁華(Fan-Hua Kung)


近年來政府為整頓基層金融機構,加速處理不良債權,強化金融管理,改善經營體質,並推動金融機構的整合,以提高營運效率及國際競爭力,而陸續制定各項金融改革相關規範及提出多項金融改革之方案,以防範金融危機的發生。 第一銀行為因應金融改革與當前經營環境的變化,並提升銀行的獲利能力,而委任國際知名顧問公司進行組織變革,首先重建銀行核心資訊系統,再調整銀行組織架構並進行組織改造與組織再造;但在組織變革過程中,遇到諸多問題與阻礙,造成各項業務持續衰退;為了深入分析組織變革未能順利執行之原因及未能達到預期目標,透過訪談方式進一步了解第一銀行組織變革的目的與進行變革的方法,另就變革的結果提出說明;再探討組織變革關鍵成功要素,以供銀行未來進行組織變革之參考。 為何第一銀行投入那麼多的資源,卻無法藉由組織變革來提升銀行績效並達到預期的目標?最主要原因是未具備變革之關鍵成功因素。因此,在進行組織變革時,首先應喚起管理階層與員工危機意識;其次重視人為因素,包含經營者心態與員工認同;另外變革願景及目的要明確可行,還需建立完善配套措施,並進行有效溝通,消除溝通障礙,以建立以客為尊的新企業文化,最後是縮短變革陣痛磨合期,儘早發揮變革效益。 銀行組織變革經個案分析後,歸納下列結論:銀行業需持續性進行組織變革,而且應採計劃性變革方式進行,同時建立相關變革配套措施及縮短磨合期、展現變革效益,另外經營者與員工將決定變革成敗,外部顧問公司對變革貢獻未如預期及政治因素將影響公股銀行政策。


During the past few years, the government formulated various new rules and made many proposals aiming at financial reform. The purpose is to prevent financial crisis through consolidating financial institutions, expediting cleaning of non-performing loans, strengthening financial management, improving their financial health, and promoting both operational efficiency and international competitiveness Responding to financial reform and changes in the current business environment while trying to enhance profitability, the First Commercial Bank appointed the internationally renowned consulting firm to help carry out organizational changes. The first step is re-building of the core information system, then restructuring and re-engineering. However, there were many problems and obstacles during the process, causing continuous decline of business after invested so many resources but can not to improve bank performance and achieve the desired objectives. To explore the reasons of unsuccessful implementation of organizational change and failure to meet the target, we conducted interviews to further understand the purpose of organizational change and how it was implemented. Finally we explain the results of the change and explore the critical factors leading to successful organizational change for other banks’ future reference. Why did the First Commercial Bank fail to enhance its operating performance and reach its goal through organizational change after so many resources were input? The main reason might be that key factors for success were missing. Therefore, the first thing should be giving both management and staff a wake-up call, making them aware of crisis. The second more emphasis should be put on people factor, including management’s points of view and acceptance of change by staff. Moreover, vision of change and its purpose need to be clear and feasible. There should be a complete set of supporting measures and effective communication is necessary to eliminate communicational obstacle so as to establish a new corporate culture of “Customer first”. Last but the least, the length of pain during the process of change has to be shortened to bring benefits of change into full play as early as possible After analyzing this case, we come to the following conclusions: the banking industry needs continuing organizational change through planned methods. At the same time, supporting measures are needed and the length of pain during the process of change has to be shortened to bring benefits of change into full play as early as possible. In addition, management and staff are the key to successful change. The hired consulting firm did not produce expected results of organizational change and political factors affect policies of government-owned banks.


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陳宜庭(2013)。會計人員特質對ERP系統資訊品質之影響- 以Oracle系統個案為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2013.00694
