  • 學位論文


The system interation of HRV and G-sensor for health care system

指導教授 : 詹益光


本論文主要是結合HRV組件及G-sensor以設計一無線運動健康管理系統及探討此系統之系統特性。在此系統中當人們於慢速及快速的運動中可以經由ECG的量測而穫得其HRV數據及同時經由G-sensor以穫得人們總共運動的步數。 此系統利用Zigbee接收系統以擷取HRV及G-sensor量測數據後,當經由Wi-Fi無線傳輸系統將這些數據傳送至所有有裝設Wi-Fi之設備如筆記電腦,平板電腦及智慧型手機。 此系統進行了五分鐘慢走,快走,慢跑,快跑之測試中,它記錄了人們在運動前,運動中,及運動後之HRV及總共的運動步數。由所得之測試數據我們可確知此設計無線通訊系統結合HRV與重力感應器於無線運動健康管理系統可以簡單及方便的方式將HRV及G-sensor量測數據傳至所需的位置。


HRV G-sensor Wi-Fi Zigbee無線通訊系統


In this thesis, we desigh and implement a wireless health care system by integrating a Heart Rate Variability (HRV) module with a G-sensor and study its system characteristics; with this system it will get the person’s HRV information through ECG measures and simultaneously to get the number of footsteps with G-sensor measurement when a person exercises in slow run and/or high speed jogging. It uses Zigbee receiving system to retrieve the HRV and G-sensor data and then the Zigbee system incorporates with Wi-Fi wireless transmission system to pass these data to all devices that equipped with Wi-Fi apparatus such as notebooks, tablet PCs and smart phones. The system has been implemented in the tests to measure the actual HRV and footsteps of a person before, during and after 5-minute slow run and 5-minute high speed jogging. From the measurement tests it concludes that designed system can be implemented as a wireless health care system to achieve the goal of transmitting the HRV and G-sensor data in a simple and convenience manner.


HRV Zigbee G-sensor Wi-Fi wireless communication system


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