  • 學位論文


The Study of Branding Agriculture in Japanese Regional Agricultural Development

指導教授 : 小山直則


由於日本鄉村地區的高齡化以及人口流失的速度要比都市來的顯著,因此各個地方政府展開了許多振興地方發展的政策。然而有許多的區域以農業為基礎,因此本論文研究目的是從空間經濟學的觀點探討農業的設立區位,並探討以品牌農業促進地方發展的可能性,進而從研究目的引申出三個問題意識:第一、為什麼需要做品牌農業?第二、面對國內市場效應,農業設立偏遠地區的條件為何?第三、品牌農業對地方帶來何種經濟效益? 本論文引用日本偏遠地方實行之「一村一品運動」及「公路休息站」振興地方發展為例,並分析它們為地方帶來的經濟效益。區位理論對於生產者將商品出貨銷售至消費者的手上以及消費者主動前來購買的行為;它們行銷方式完全不同。如果用經濟學的向前連鎖效應以及向後連鎖效應來解釋的話,於「一村一品運動」所開發出多項且差異性高的商品係以一般的流通管道販售至消費市場,其所帶來的產業聚集、增加僱用的效應稱之為「向前連鎖效應」。 另外在「公路休息站」所販賣之當地的農產品、觀光產業是消費者主動前來購買,有助於減少運輸成本;意即發揮了國內市場效應(企業的設立地點靠近於消費市場);此亦可稱之為「向後連鎖效應」。


Throughout the country in Japan, a great many of policies were proposed to promote local prosperity in response to aging demographics of rural area and its faster loss rate of population. Among the rural area, many are agricultural society. In this thesis, we investigate the niche for these agricultural countries through the basis of spatial economics and also inspect the possibility using agriculture brand to boost the local prosperity. We focus our investigation on three major issues. The first one is why the agriculture brand is necessary for rustic prosperity. Second, facing the influence of home market effect, what are the conditions required establishing agriculture in remote rural area? Finally, agriculture brand brings what kind of economic benefits for rural area. In this thesis, we refer to two actual examples in Japan, “One Village One Product movement (OVOP)” and “highway service area (HSA)”, and examine their economic benefits to remote rural area. The OVOP means that the producers actively sell their goods to consumers; on the contrary the HAS means that the consumers voluntarily come to buy goods. In location theory, both OVOP and HAS have completely different marketing approaches. We can apply forward and backward linkage effect to explain these two marketing approaches. In OVOP, it develops a variety of highly different goods and sells them via common logistics. The resultant industry aggregation and increasing employment are referred to as forward linkage effect. In HAS, on the other hand, consumers voluntarily come to buy local agricultural products, by which the transportation cost is effectively reduced. This refers o backward linkage effect, which elaborates the home market effect (i.e., the business is established near the market).


1. Masahisa Fujita(2006) Economic Development Capitalizing on Brand Agriculture.
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3. 石井安憲・西條辰義・塩澤修平(1996)『入門・ミクロ経済学』第2刷、有斐閣。
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