  • 學位論文


Action Research Combining Learning Communities with Cooperative Learning Strategies for Mathematics Problem Solving in a Vocational High School

指導教授 : 游家政


本研究主要藉由研究者任教的班級,來探討教師將學習共同體的理念與精神與合作學習策略相結合的教學方式,在數學解題歷程教學中的實施情形,以及學生在數學解題歷程的學習情形。研究者一共實施三次的行動研究循環教學,每一循環的行動研究教學將教授一個單元的概念,規劃五至六堂課的授課時間,並在每一次的行動研究循環教學當中,依序進行「引起動機」、「講解單元基本概念」、「利用數學解題歷程解題」、「學生分組討論」、「學生上台發表分享」等五種教學活動,培養學生「傾聽」同學的聲音,鼓勵學生說出自己的想法,以達到「伸展跳躍」的學習。本研究的研究發現: 壹、 教師引導學生和學習共同體的夥伴共同討論,並回顧上節課的重點概念 與定義,可引起學生學習的興趣與動機。 貳、 教師挑選數學題目時,要避免挑選單純的計算題,應多挑選應用問題 或是情境題,並給予學生類似題練習,讓學生可以藉由模仿來使用數 學解題歷程解題。 參、 學生進行數學解題的分組討論時,不論是在使用數學解題歷程進行解 題的情形,或是討論時的合作方式,皆具有多樣性。 肆、 學生進行數學解題討論時,教師應給予足夠的時間,確保學生能完成 討論,並控制討論時的秩序,讓學生可以在寧靜的環境中學習。 伍、 學生在同儕夥伴的幫助下,數學解題歷程的學習以及上台發表與分享, 皆有明顯的改變與進步。 陸、 在數學解題歷程的五個階段當中,還是無法養成執行數學解題歷程步驟 中「驗算與回顧」的習慣。 柒、 經過本次的行動研究,教師在學習共同體和合作學習的實施以及數學 解題歷程的教學,皆有所成長。


This action research project explores the use of learning communities with cooperative learning strategies for mathematical problem solving, as well as the processes that students follow for mathematics problem solving. The researcher applied the action research cycle three times in this study. Each cycle consisted of five to six classes, addressing one theme in a vocational high school mathematics course. The action research cycle of teaching, in turn followed a series of steps: ‘generating interest’, ‘explaining the basic concepts of the unit’, ‘practicing mathematical problem solving processes with the students’, ‘letting the students discuss the problem solving strategies in groups’, and ‘letting the students share their ideas through presentations’. Using these five lesson activities can help the students “jump” ahead in learning, by 'listening' to the voice of the other students, and encouraging students to speak their own ideas. The research findings include: 1. Leading students discuss with a partner from their learning community to review the concepts and definitions from the previous lesson helped arouse student interest and motivation to learn. 2. The teacher should select sufficiently complex problems for demonstration and explanation, such as word problems and similar questions for students to practice, so that students can get used to mimicking these problem-solving procedures. 3. When students meet in small groups to discuss concepts, time ought to be allowed for discussing both how to cooperate as a group, and following the problem solving steps from the lessons. The diversity of these activities benefits the students. 4. Instructors must allow the students sufficient time for group discussions of problem-solving procedures so that students can finish the required work. Furthermore, instructors must carefully control and manage the order in the classroom, so that students can study in peace. 5. Under the beneficial impact of peer discussions relating to mathematical problem solving, the problem-solving procedures being taught, as well as the students’ presentation skills both showed noticeable improvement. 6. The students were not able to develop the habit of looking back and checking while carrying out five problem-solving procedures. 7. Through the course of this action research, the researcher has matured as a facilitator of cooperative learning and learning communities.




