  • 學位論文


Assessment of Kegel Pelvic Muscle Exercise Performance for the Treatment of Patient with Incontinence

指導教授 : 陳瑞發


目前大多數醫師對尿失禁的診斷方式,以患者口頭描述的病情做為判斷病情嚴重性的依據,醫師根據經驗來判定該患者應採用藥物治療、手術治療或復健運動等治療方式。醫師目前使用的醫療系統缺少分析機制,在沒有使用儀器檢查的情況下,醫師診治時有可能忽略部分患者的隱藏因子,因而不容易做出最佳的診斷方式。 本論文透過項目反應理論分析,患者於生活品質問卷以及病症相關問卷的反應,再進一步探討其原因以及後續應對方式。另外應用資料探勘中的決策樹演算法分析療程與生活品質於各類型患者的關連,透過不指定因子分類模組以及指定因子分類模組推測患者一般患者以及特殊患者的治療成效,並提供醫師作為診治的參考。


Most doctors in the diagnosis of urinary incontinence, using the condition of patient's description as a basis to determine the severity of the disease. Doctors based on experience to determine which patients should be treated with medication, surgery or rehabilitation. Doctors currently lack health systems analysis mechanism, in the absence of the use of instrument checks, it is possible to ignore the factor in some patients when doctors choose for treatment, which is not easy to make the best diagnosis. In this thesis, using item response theory to analysis the response of patients in questionnaires and further investigate its causes and subsequent coping. In addition, using of the decision tree algorithm analysis patient's related information. Through not specify classification module or specify classification module find the effectiveness of treatment in patients with factor, classification module speculate general and special patient and provides doctors as treatment information.


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