  • 學位論文


The effects of price promotion model, channels, product type, competitive products and advertising on sales volume

指導教授 : 楊立人


為提昇產品銷售績效,廠商實須評估消費者各種購買考量因素並搭配連鎖便利商店推動具吸引力的促銷活動,本研究的目的為了解價格促銷時,透過通路、產品類別、競爭品、廣告 (主題、代言人) 與期間 (季節、年份) 的配合,對於銷售量之影響,本研究以7-ELEVEN及全家連鎖便利商店為研究範圍,探討價格促銷模式、通路、產品類別、競爭品、廣告及期間對於銷售量的影響,並進一步分析價格促銷模式與通路、產品類別、競爭品、廣告及期間對於銷售量之間是否有顯著的交互作用。本研究採用2013年至2015年V公司銷售資料庫之樣本資料進行分析,最後透過ANOVA單因子變異數分析及二因子變異數分析作最後的實證分析。研究結果顯示:(一) 不同的價格促銷模式、通路、產品類別、廣告主題、代言人、季節,對銷售量皆具有顯著影響。(二) 不同的競爭品、年份,對銷售量沒有顯著影響。(三) 不同的價格促銷模式與產品類別、廣告主題、代言人的交互作用,對銷售量皆具有顯著影響。(四) 不同價格促銷模式與通路、競爭品、季節、年份的交互作用對銷售量並沒有顯著影響。最後,本研究歸納出9點管理意涵。


To enhance product sales performance, the manufacturer shall assess the various consumer purchase considerations and convenience store chains to promote attractive promotional activities. The purpose of this study was to understand the impact of price promotion, product categories, competitive products, advertising (theme, spokesperson) and period (season, year) on sales. In this study, convenience store chains, 7-ELEVEN and FamilyMart are the research scope. This research investigated the impact of price promotion mode, channel, product category, competitive products, advertising and period on sales and further analyzed whether there is significant interaction between price promotion mode and the other factors. This research used V company database, from years 2013 to 2015, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and two-way ANOVA to conduct empirical analysis. Research results are presented as follows: (a) price promotional mode, channel, product categories, advertising theme, spokesperson and seasons have significant impact on sales. (b) competitive product and year have significant effect on sales. (c) price promotional model and product categories, advertising theme and spokesperson interaction have significant impact on sales. (d) there is no interaction between price promotion model and the other factors. Finally, this study summarized nine management implications.


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