  • 學位論文

應用協同學習提升閱讀理解能力之行動研究 ─以國中八年級國文科為例

Improving Students'Reading Comprehension through Collaborative Learning: An Action Research Study in an Eigth-grade Chinese Class

指導教授 : 陳劍涵


本研究為實施協同學習融入國中八年級國文科教學之行動研究,在一學期的研究時間中,進行三個階段的反思研究。研究者探究協同學習應用於國中國文教學方案時的設計與實施情形、學生學習過程及閱讀理解能力改變。藉由透過協同學習的對話與討論,理解學生同儕之間的互動的變化、不同程度學生的學習歷程,尤其是弱勢學生的學習;並希望經由此學習模式,了解學生在國文科的學習主動性的變化。希望藉由教學方法的改變,提昇國中八年級學生對於國文科的學習興趣、動機,進而提升學生閱讀理解的能力。 本研究以國中八年級某班,男生13 人,女生14人,共27 位學生為研究對象。學生的閱讀理解能力以「PISA閱讀樣本試題」、「文意理解提問學習單」、「課後評量學習單」等研究結果共同檢核。學生學習歷程及學習感受則以「觀察」、「訪談」、「學習單」、「文件」「協同學習回饋問卷」多項資料,運用以質性為主,量化為輔的研究法,進行比對分析,並以「教學紀錄」及「省思札記」行多角度檢證分析。 研究發現,學生對於協同學習最大的感受為啟動思考,正因透過討論開展其思維,故提升了學習動機,使學生學習感受良好;由於學習夥伴的互動交流密切,學生的個人學習態度變得較積極且正面;學生努力在不同意見中找到平衡,並學習溝通協調的技巧;學生願意主動求教、主動教授的互學行為,在協同學習的潛移默化中,也得到良好的結果。 在教材的設計上,教師提問策略搭配協同學習,藉由同儕討論的方式,確實能有效的提升學生的學習成效。運用協同學習,若能搭配適合的補充教材,將使學習成效提升。 根據研究結果,本研究建議國文教學在提問單的設計可再尋求專業的協助,搭配共同備課,使更能掌握學科本質。而同儕夥伴教師的觀課及建議,將有助於教學者的專業成長。教學者受限於課堂進度時,可開展學生課後的學習時間進行線上協同學習,此時Google雲端共作是可行的方式;另外在協同學習教師角色重要的「串聯」任務,若是能透過「話語分析」找出引導模式,亦是可開展的研究方向。


This study is an action research study that implemented collaborative learning in a junior high school Chinese classroom. The reflective research lasted for one semester and proceeded in three phases. The purpose of the study was to explore the design and the implementation of collaborative learning, the students' learning process and the improvement of their reading comprehension. The changes in the interactions among students, the learning process of the students with different reading abilities, especially those at lower proficiency levels were identified through dialogues and discussions in the collaborative learning contexts. It is hoped that this learning model helps researchers to understand how students get active in their Chinese class, and that changes in teaching methods can enhance eighth-grade students' motivation to learn Chinese and thus improve their reading comprehension skills. Participants of the study were 27 junior high school students, including 13 males and 14 females, enrolled in an eighth-grade Chinese class in Taiwan. Students' reading comprehension was measured by " PISA sample questions in reading", " Reading comprehension worksheets" , and " After-class assessment". Students' learning process and perceptions were obtained from observations, interviews, worksheets, documents, and collaborative learning feedback forms. The materials were analyzed qualitatively when some quantitative analysis was also included. Other sources such as teaching journals and reflective diary were used to triangulate the data. The findings suggested that students perceived collaborative learning as a thinking stimulator. Discussions in class encouraged students to think and then enhanced their learning motivation and satisfaction. As the interactions between learning partners occurred frequently, students developed a more positive attitude toward learning. They tried to find a balance among different opinions and learn communication skills. In the collaborative learning activities, students were active in teaching and learning from one another. This study offers some suggestions. In the design of teaching materials, the use of teachers' questioning strategies supported by collaborative learning through peer discussions indeed facilitated students' learning. This means collaborative learning activities with appropriate supplementary materials can enhance learning effectiveness. Teacher observations and regular feedbacks from peer teachers can facilitate teacher professional development. When being confined to class schedule, online collaborative learning through Google Drive is a feasible way to extend students' learning time outside the class. Moreover, discourse analysis can provide examples of how teachers guide students in collaborative learning. Therefore, discourse analysis concerned with teachers' guiding roles needs further research.


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