  • 學位論文


The exploratory study on the training program of human resource in Taiwanese civil services: From Private Financing Initiative perspective

指導教授 : 徐志順


隨著時代潮流的瞬息萬變,政府所面臨的環境與挑戰與以往已大不相同,公務人員行政能力的建立與強化,已是各國政府的重要課題,此時,政府研擬長遠性的公務人員訓練政策已有其必要性。然而,此政策目標的執行,需有足夠的經費支應其建構及運作,財政是首要面對的問題。 本文藉由我國現行公務人力訓練機構之運作現況,分別探討公務人力發展中心與國家文官學院兩大具代表性的訓練機構,其所獲取的資源分配與使用情形,彙整相關資訊以了解目前訓練資源是否重覆、不足及有否整合之必要性。另外,藉由英日等國推動民間融資計畫(Private Finance Initiative,PFI)模式的經驗,了解該制度之功能與效益,進一步試以我國政府正積極研議的「政府購買公共服務型促參計畫」模式,導入我國公務人力資源訓練計畫,依據政府購買公共服務型促參計畫作業原則(草案)規範,進行政策評估及可行性探討,以判定個案是否適宜採用PFI模式推動,並分析其運作執行方式、優缺點及可能面臨的問題。 本文期透過PFI導入公務人力資源訓練的評估過程中,瞭解目前公務人力資源訓練配置與效益,進一步探討除OT(Operate and Transfer)方式外,引用PFI模式導入是否更具效益,即如何在公務人力資源訓練注入公私合夥的因子,將訓練機構進行資源整合,進而強化整體人力資源之架構,作為創建全國公務人力資源訓練機構整合之最佳模式。


As time passes and trends evolve rapidly, the government faces diverse challenges, far different than ever existed before. Establishing and strengthening administrative capabilities of government employees has become a critical priority for all governments. Subsequently, at this time, it is necessary for the government to develop long-term strategies for employee training policies. However, in order to execute them, sufficient funding is required for their organization and operation. Therefore, the primary issue to be addressed is that of national finance. The reportutilizes the present operational status of human resource training organizations for government employees and individually examines the two major representative training organizations: Civil Service Development Institute, and the National Academy of Civil Service . By compiling and assessing the findings regarding resource distribution and utilization, an understanding and conclusion are drawn as to whether the existing training resources are duplicated, insufficient or need to be integrated. Through study of the experiences of both Britain and Japan promoting the PFI model, an understanding of its function and effectiveness was achieved. Further, implementing the current active PFI model of our government, Service Sold to Public Sector (“SSPS”), into our official human resource training plans while keeping in accordance with operational guidelines of SSPS, one can first evaluate the policy and discuss its feasibility; secondly, analyze and determine whether it is appropriate to adopt the PFI model for each scenario; and finally, further analyze its methods of operation and execution, its pros and cons along with potential challenges it may face. Through this evaluation exercise, the report reveals an understanding of present human resource training allocation for government employees and its efficiency and effectiveness. Aside from discussing the OT(Operate and Transfer) method, the report explores whether application of the PFI model increases efficiency and effectiveness. In addition, the report also discusses the introduction of partnership between private and public sectors for governmental human resource training as well as resource integration among training organizations to further strengthen the overall human resource structure so as to establish an ideal model for an integrated national government human resource training organization.


行政院人事行政總處公務人力發展中心,2015,行政院人事行政總處公務人力發展中心網頁, https://www.hrd.gov.tw/,瀏覽日期:104年12月13日。
行政院公共工程委員會,2010,公共工程電子報第29期,《PFI是啥? 我國公共服務引進PFI制度之管見》,https://www.pcc.gov.tw/epaper/9912/rfi.htm,瀏覽日期:104年7月30日。
