  • 學位論文


The Role of the Producer in Online Advertising: An Internship Case Study

指導教授 : 劉慧娟


本研究為台灣淡江大學資訊傳播研究所及澳洲昆士蘭科技大學創意產業研究所碩士學位雙聯學制之專案研究。本研究旨為分析台灣網路廣告產業的製作人角色,並探討製作人角色如何為台灣創意產業提供創新思維。 本研究透過申請台灣 Awesome Film Production 公司之實習機會,並以助理製作人之職務角色實際參與 Turing Robotic Industries公司產品網路廣告之案例,藉以對於製作人角色做更全面之瞭解。 通過本研究之分析,網路廣告產業中的製作人角色須具備四項主要特質,分別為高度組織性、多項任務執行、問題解決,以及專業性溝通協商之必要能力。另外,專案管理技巧、風險洞悉,以及市場行銷能力等,皆為製作人角色需持續發展之能力指標。 本研究建議獨立工作者或是自由工作者將可成為未來台灣網路廣告產業製作人角色之發展方向。共同工作室將是製作人角色之另一項發展可能性,透過連接更多跨領域、跨產業之專業性網絡與關係,藉以克服企業組織文化可能阻礙製作人創新管理思維之產業問題。


This project describes and analyzes the role of the producer in an advertising production company, and explores how this role can contribute to innovations in Taiwan’s creative industries. By undertaking an internship placement involving participating in an online advertising project, this project has led me to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the role of producers. This project report describes the abilities and skills the producer requires in an advertising production company. A good producer should have a highly organized mind and able to multi-task as a problem-solver and an effective communicator to coordinate the production process. In addition, producers should develop essential capabilities and the skills need to be combined appropriately to become a qualified producer, such as networking, problem solving, effective communication, and necessary technical skills. Moreover, the independent or freelance producers could be a future trend for the online advertising industry in Taiwan. Co-working space is another option for producers to more effectively harness their innovation potential because they can network more effectively across industry and professional boundaries enabling more creative relationships.


Awesome Film Production Youtube Channel (2016). Retrieved from https://goo.gl/zVx2zx
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