  • 學位論文


Happiness Made in Taiwan. An analysis of the Taiwanese development model and its impact on the road to happiness of the Taiwanese

指導教授 : 白方濟




Despite being a structurally subjective matter, happiness can be measured and perceived through individual reading of aspects of life in society that allow an individual to achieve the satisfaction of basic needs that provide well-being and result in that feeling of happiness that allow a collective experience the tranquility of being part of a State that provides them the full enjoyment of their rights as citizens. For this reason, this research seeks, through the study of the successful and systematic economic growth of Taiwan, to identify within its medium-term National Development Plans, the national development strategies and the key policies that have been planned to identify and to solve the social problems, in order to determine whether Taiwan is a truly happy country from the point of view of satisfying the basic needs that provide social welfare, a question that gives rise to this research work, which intends to leave an evidence of the effectiveness and efficiency that can or can not show a State in the correct orientation of public policies and investment programs towards population in situation of vulnerability.


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