  • 學位論文


A Comparative Analysis of China’s Mobile Payment System

指導教授 : 郭建中
共同指導教授 : 王國臣


去年夏天我從台灣至中國大陸的銀行實習,住在上海21天。在那段暫的時間,吸引我大部分事情都是利用移動支付交易。移動支付讓我感覺像是不同的生活方式,這與台灣有很大不同。 對於那些在中國旅行或居住的人來說,這種移動支付是非常方便的。你只需要一部手機,透過手機,你可以支付做任何事情。如搭車、吃飯及買東西。總體而言,另我感受到這種付款模式的便利性;因此,讓我決定進行移動支付研究。 移動支付已經是中國的一大趨勢。但這對台灣來說是一件新事物。目前台灣移動支付不如中國那麼開放。移動支付在中國已經成為生活必需品。中國的所有人都習慣透過手機付款。這讓我感到困惑,為什麼台灣人仍然使用信用卡、悠遊卡及現金付款?讓我覺得台灣與中國大陸的差距很大。


I had finished a one-month internship in Shanghai last summer. Throughout my whole experience, I had been fascinated and been deeply attracted by the well-established mobile payment system there. This lifestyle is still unpopular and not commonly used in Taiwan, which made me feel quite interesting about this new technology. For those people who are traveling or living in china, the usage of mobile payment can definitely make their life much convenient. Once you have got a phone with you, all your needs can be easily satisfied, from transportation, dining to shopping. Overall, I can feel how beneficial this payment model is. Therefore, I decided to conduct a research about mobile payment. Mobile payment has long been a trend in China. But it is still new in Taiwan. We can see the social acceptance towards the mobile payment system in Taiwan is not as open minded as China. Mobile payment is being treated as a necessity in China which most of the mainland citizens still pay through the mobile phone. The huge difference between two places makes me curious and would even like to question myself whether Taiwan , as one of the most developed countries, is actually as modernized as we think?


1. 賈鎧溱(2016年) 國立交通大學 碩士論文 電子商務資訊架構平台之策略分析
2. 施佩君(2015年) 國立中山大學 碩士論文 第三方支付平台發展及戰略創新研究-以阿里巴巴為例
一、 論文
二、 專門研究報告書
