  • 學位論文


The Impact of Perceived Value on the Purchase Intentions of Luxury Handbags – Reference Groups and Conspicuous Consumption as Moderators

指導教授 : 洪英正
共同指導教授 : 李芸蕙


論文提要內容: 消費者的資訊來源會使消費者產生不同的偏好,進而影響購買意願(Liebermann and Flint-Goor, 1996)。Engel, Blackwell, and Miniard (1993)曾提出消費者很少僅參考一種消息來源;對購買決策的影響力而言,口碑是最重要的,所以參考群體是有意義的。另Vigneron and Johnson(1999)提出奢侈品應該有五個價值要素,分別為炫耀性(conspicuous)、獨特性(unique)、社會性(social)、享樂性(hedonic)及品質性(quality)。其中炫耀性消費是社會階級思維的消費行為,能在公開場合使用的奢侈品所受到參考群體的影響就越深,與民生必需品相比,消費者在奢侈品購買決策中受參考群體影響尤其顯著(Park and Lessig, 1977)。 藉由問卷調查,並分別以近年能見度高的精品品牌Micheal Kors與Louis Vuitton中,各選出一款近似度高的皮件讓受試者進行選擇,藉以比較兩組消費族群在決策過程裡,基於不同參考群體的影響,並探討炫耀性消費在這當中所扮演的角色,以釐清在知覺價值對購買意願影響上兩變項是否存有干擾關係。 本研究經網路便利抽樣,取得296分有效樣本,以SPSS統計套裝軟體中之敘述統計、項目、因素分析、信效度檢定、階層迴歸分析、T檢定、單因子變異數分析等方法進行假設驗證。歸納如下: 1.知覺價值對消費者在名牌包上購買意願上有顯著影響。 2.參考群體在知覺價值對消費者在名牌包之購買意願之影響上有顯著干擾作用。 3.炫耀性消費在知覺價值對消費者在名牌包購買意願之影響上有顯著干擾作用。 本研究結果顯示台灣市場中炫耀性消費對購買意願已有影響,而提供消費者可對比的參考群組對強化購買意願亦有其正面促進作用。


Abstract: As consumers have different preferences on their information sources, thereby, affecting their purchase intention. (Liebermann and Flint-Goor, 1996) Consumers apply multiple information collecting principles at the stage of information searching. However, the word-of-mouth (WOM) in this information searching stage has a more emphatic influence on the purchasing decision than other sources of influence (Engel, Blackwell, and Miniard, 1993). Vigneron and Johnson (1999) suggested a brand should consist of five unique values in order to be considered as luxury: conspicuous value, unique value, social value, hedonic value, and quality value. While making purchase decisions, consumers tended to seek others' evaluations such as the preference from the brands reference group members (Park and Lessig, 1977). And meanwhile the purchase of conspicuous goods can not just fulfill material needs but also social needs, such as prestige. Two similar outlook brand bags were selected from Micheal Kors and Louis Vuitton, and purchase decisions preferences were compared, while the two different consumer groups with reference group information during the purchase decisions process. The statistic hypotheses were developed for exploring the relationship among conspicuous consumption, perceived value, and purchase intention. By literature review and research methods, implementing the cyber web questionnaire survey, there are 296 valid samples we got. And by the SPSS package of statistics, we use descriptive, item, factor, reliability analysis, independent sample T-test, single factor analysis of variance, and hierarchy regression analysis to analyze the data. Conclusions of this research are as follows: 1.Perceived value has a significant influence on purchase intent of luxury handbags. 2.Reference group, as the moderating variable, has a significant impact on the influence of perceived value to purchase intent about luxury handbags. 3. Conspicuous consumption, as the moderating variable, has a significant impact on the influence of perceived value to purchase intent about luxury handbags. After the findings of this study, it indicates that there is influence on purchase intention by conspicuous consumption. And try to provide comparable reference group would increase consumers’ purchase intention about luxury handbags.


吳萬益、林清河(2002) ,行銷研究,台北:華泰。
