  • 學位論文


An Action Research of Integrating Mobile Learning and Teams-Games-Tournament to the Seventh Graders’ Geography Instruction

指導教授 : 張瓊穗


隨著網路的快速發展,新世代的學習方式不同以往,適合透過圖像與影音方式學習,並喜歡即時性的互動;然而,傳統講述式教學中「灌輸」知識的方式,將具有主動性且樂於學習的新世代塑造成「被動」且單向的訊息「接收者」;若能在學習的過程中,藉由小組成員間的相互合作,彼此成為「主動」且雙向的訊息「傳遞者」,有助於互補學識上的不足並激發創造思考;有趣的是,搭配不同組別間的「競賽」模式,更可加乘學生學習情境的塑造。 因此,筆者以行動學習結合小組遊戲競賽法,將學生進行「異質分組」並建立明確的工作職責;在進行全班的授課後,透過組內成員間操作指定之行動學習APP,相互提問、討論、教學並完成學習單;最後進行「同質競爭」;進而研究此方法是否能提升學生的學習成就、對學生學習經驗之關聯性以及帶來的教學省思為何。研究工具的量化以地理學習成就測驗卷、學生分組合作學習經驗問卷為主,輔以教師教學日誌、學生晤談紀錄、協同教師觀察紀錄、學生回饋問卷等質性資料。 目前初步的研究結果顯示: 一、行動學習結合小組遊戲競賽法能提升中成就水準學生的學習成就。 二、行動學習結合小組遊戲競賽法能增加學生正向學習經驗。 三、行動學習APP不可預測性高,教師須具備隨時調整教學策略之能力。 四、分組學習首重小組之間的討論狀況,必要時可重新分組。 五、學習競賽應強調作答之正確性而非速度。 六、適時進行學習表揚,以協助學生理解合作學習的技巧。 根據上述結論,本研究進一步提出建議,希冀能作為教學者與後續研究者之 參考。


With the rapid development of the Internet, the learning method used by the new generation differs greatly from its predecessors. This generation of people is used to using graphics and videos as the media for learning and favors instant interactions. In the traditional didactic method of “instilling” knowledge, this generation of people who are active and enjoy learning are viewed as “passive” “recipients” of one-way information. If they collaborate with team members in the process of learning, both they and their team members could become “active” “senders” of two-way information. This kind of collaboration is helpful for them to complement each other’s weaknesses in knowledge and develop creative thinking. Interestingly, when combined with a “team competition” model, the effectiveness of the learning situations can be further enhanced. This study proposed a mobile learning method integrating the teams-games-tournament (TGT) technique. In this study, students were grouped based on “heterogeneous grouping” where specific tasks were assigned for each group. After class instructions were given, students were asked to use the designated mobile learning APP as a team, where they would ask questions, discuss, teach each other, and complete the worksheets together. Finally, they participated in “homogeneous competition”. This study examined the effectiveness of this learning method in improving students’ learning achievements, how it is related to students’learning experiences, and teacher’s reflections from this method. The research instruments included a test of geography learning achievements and a questionnaire on collaborative learning experiences. Qualitative data from teachers’ teaching journals, interviews with students, co-teachers’ observation records, and students’ feedbacks was also used to support the quantitative data. The preliminary results of this study were as follows: 1.Integrating TGT into mobile learning improved the learning achievement of students with a middle level of achievement. 2.Integrating TGT into mobile learning increased the students’ positive learning experiences. 3.The mobile learning APP features a high unpredictability. Teachers are suggested to have the ability to quickly adjust the teaching strategy when necessary. 4.In group learning, group discussion is of the highest importance. If necessary, students should be regrouped. 5.In learning tournaments, the accuracy of answer should be stressed, instead of the speed. 6.Praise should be given in appropriate times to assist students in acquiring the skills of collaborative learning. Based on the above findings, this study proposed suggestions in hope of providing reference to educators and future researchers.


