  • 學位論文


Using Collaborative Team Teaching in an ESP Environment: A Case Study of College Tourism English

指導教授 : 王藹玲


研究生:葉美華 指導教授:王藹玲 論文提要內容: 本研究為一學年的協同教學課程計畫,其目的是在於能深化技職教育之實務教學,培育具有實作力及就業力之優質專業人才,加強技職教育與產業接軌,提供學生零距離之產業科技認知以及縮短學校教育與業界人才需求之距離。本研究由教育部贊助指導,採用雙師制度,利用業界師資專業的知識來彌補語言師資課堂上不足的部分。本研究進行一年,業界師資採取課堂討論以及小組角色扮演的模式讓學生對觀光英語這門科目有更深一層的體認。透過課前問卷分析,業師以及語言老師得知學生的需求,根據需求設計上課的模式得到以下的結論:一、48個學生中有34個學生沒有出過國,但是學生仍然想要學習觀光英文文化相關的訊息而非只有課本上的知識。二、三分之一的課程由業界師資及語言老師共同授課,採取狀況劇角色扮演的模式在同學前面用英文演出來,之後全班在討論合理的解決方案,此方式有助於學生主動學習以及練習解決問題的方法同時也透過別組的解決方式真正了解到業界是怎麼解決問題的。三、學生在這樣的上課方式有什麼樣的改變或成長呢?大部分的學生都顯示了1.對口說英文是有進步且有信心2.有能力獨自用英文做一份三分鐘以上的英文報告3.從同儕及老師得到多元學習來源4.資料蒐集整合的進步與成長 5.對國外旅遊以及觀光英文有更寬廣的視野6.獲得許多專業的觀光英文產業知識 四、學生對協同教學的業界師資的上課互動反應等都持正面的肯定,學生也覺得透過協同教學能對產業界有更進一步的了解。從以上研究結果發現,協同教學可以補足學校與產業界的落差,也讓學生對未來從事的產業有更深一層的了解。


Abstract: This study is a one academic year team teaching project. The purpose of the project is to consolidate the pragmatic learning in the university of technology, to cultivate students to become expertise with practical abilities for their future career market. It also seeks to link the education market and to shorten the distance between school education and demands of the field. This project was sponsored and directed by the MOE, adopting the team teaching approach. It hopes to get help from the team teachers from the industry to compensate for the practical knowledge the language teacher lacks. The conclusions are as follow: 1.Out of 48 students in the class, 34 of them have never been abroad in their lives. Still, they wanted to learn something more about the culture and festivals about other countries rather than just the information on the textbooks. 2. One-third of the classes were co-taught by the team teacher and the language teacher. The course formats were role-play scenario in group presentations for students to brainstorm the possible solutions. All the scenarios were chosen from the team teacher’s previous tour leading experiences. The scenarios were all real situations. In this role-play scenario, students learned how to learn actively and tried to solve problems with classmates. At the same time, they observed from the other group to discover the solutions. They learned how the industry tries to solve problems in class situations. 3. What changes or perception the students have after this team teaching course? Most of the students showed the following impacts: progress and confidence in speaking English, the ability to make a complete PPT presentation in English, they had various learning input from their peers and their teachers, they showed progress in information gathering and data analysis, and most important of all, the students broadened their viewpoints about traveling abroad and had various aspects towards tourism English. 4. The majority of the students had positive ideas about team teaching. They considered they could have a further understanding toward the industry. From the above finding, team teaching could not only bridge the gap between the school and the industry, but also help students better nderstand the industry they would get involved in the future.


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