  • 學位論文


Effects of music listening on positive emotion and emotional regulation strategies of college students

指導教授 : 宋鴻燕


本研究在探討大學生聆聽音樂的正向情緒與情緒調節策略之間的關係。 本研究以216位北部大學通識課程的大學生為研究對象,本研究採實驗方法與問卷調查法進行資料收集,所使用的聽覺性媒材為中文流行歌曲,問卷包含Gross情緒調節量表、精簡版憂鬱-快樂量表、音樂情緒調節策略問卷。所有的資料以描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、二因子變異數分析統計方式進行分析。本研究結果主要發現如下: 大學生在聆聽熟悉的音樂後,正向情緒會多於聆聽音樂前的正向情緒,且採取「認知評估」情緒調節策略的大學生會在聆聽音樂後有較多的正向情緒,另外聆聽音樂採用的情緒調節策略「放鬆」和「抽離」能產生最高的正向情緒,這也符合大學生聆聽音樂時最常使用的音樂情緒調節策略。 根據以上研究發現,本研究進一步提供未來研究及實務上的建議。


The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of music on emotions and emotional regulation strategies of college students. A total of 216 college students enrolled in general education courses consented to participate in the study. To explore how music may have an impact on student strategy use of regulating emotion in the course of music listening and how it may affect their emotions, they filled out two sets of questionnaires before the music was delivered. One of the questionnaires was then administered again after the participants listened to the music. Popular Chinese song as auditory material was used in this study. The resulted wre found as follow: After listening to music, no statistically significant interact effect was found between "emotional regulation" and "music emotional regulation strategies “However, each of the self-variants of "emotion regulation" and "music emotional regulation strategies" statistically significantly influenced the degree of positive emotions of college students. The rate of participants’ positive emotion increased statistically significantly and the participants with high-cognition and low-suppression developed statistically significantly higher positive emotion. Relaxation and distraction were the music-related strategies most frequently employed for emotion regulations of the participants. According to the findings, some suggesrtions are gived to further research and implication for practice.


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