  • 學位論文


Development of BIM API for Automated Frame Modelling

指導教授 : 范素玲


建築資訊建模(BIM)是一種參數化建模技術,用以連接元件的幾何與非幾何資訊,這些資訊能夠幫助參與到建築生命週期中的相關人員更為有效的進行溝通與整合,而建築模型為BIM技術中幾何資訊之重要基礎,然而手動大規模創建模型的過程是非常耗時且容易出錯的,目前應用BIM技術建模之專案工程人員之間的訊息反饋速度越來越快,未來已趨向即時訊息交換,而建築模型也需要隨著反饋的訊息進行快速修改,以BIM軟體內建之功能,難以提升工作效率,開發自動構建功能之程式能夠有效解決上述問題。 過去相關的研究文獻大部分皆著重在於單一元件,且非主要建築結構元件,本研究針對建築工程中主要量體較大之基礎結構元件:柱、牆、樑以及樓板四種元件,透過Visual Studio程式編譯器使用C#程式語言於BIM軟體Revit中開發輔助使用者建置模型之自動化程式,並設計使用者介面(UI)和應用程式介面(API)將BIM模型元件建置過程參數化並使其能夠依照使用者輸入之參數自動構建大量元件,減少重複性建置作業以及人為建置錯誤的問題,並且提升工作效率。 本研究同時說明如何根據功能需求,分析各種Revit模型元件建置需求參數,以進行使用者介面與參數的設計,並透過案例建置方式介紹本系統功能與操作方式,並藉由案例建置得到的回饋,探討本研究主要貢獻與效益、困難與限制,並對於尚未解決之問題與可改善之方向提出建議,供後續研究發想其他應用與參考。


BIM 建築資訊模型 API 自動化建模


Building Information Modelling (BIM) is an object-based parametric modelling which is interconnected between geometric and non-geometric properties for a model. The model helps user to enhance building information communication and building lifecycle management effectively. However, the process of creating a large-scale model by manual modelling method is time-consuming and error-prone. Besides, the BIM platform itself is designed for manual modelling therefore difficult to improve the existing workflow. As a results, an automated modelling component function in BIM platform is essential to improve the current modelling exercise. This study aims to develop automated structural frame (columns, walls, beams, and floors) modelling component API for Revit platform. The development of the API involved C# programming language through the Visual Studio program compiler. The User Interface (UI) and API are parameterized to BIM model construction sequence. Therefore the API is able to automatically build a large number of components according to user-entered parameters. This is able to reduce repetitive build operations, minimize artificially built errors and increase productivity. This study has detailed the Revit model component construction requirements parameters according to functional requirements for user interface and parameter design. A case study is conducted for validation purposes. The validation results shown that the new API is able to improve work efficiency by 25% reducing repetitive work.


BIM API Automated modeling


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