  • 學位論文


Crisis and Responses of Baseball Organizations: A Situational Crisis Communication Theory Perspective

指導教授 : 張瑋倫


隨著近年體育風潮席捲全球,運動產業的價值不斷地升高,但高速發展也易導致危機的產生,使職業運動組織受到各種危機的考驗,本研究針對職業運動危機,探討球團與球迷在社群媒體上如何透過「危機回應策略」維護球團。本研究引用Coombs的情境式危機傳播理論(SCCT),探討中華職棒的四支球團如何對應聲譽危機事件,從電子布告欄系統內的棒球討論社群中收集球迷對於聲譽危機事件的評論,採用內容分析法分析出球迷使用何種策略來維護危機中的球團,以及球團使用何種策略較能激發球迷對球團的維護行為。 本研究發現,球團採用加強與球迷連結的策略,可以正向影響球迷維護球團的行為,並且會提升球迷使用攻擊指控者策略的比率;球團採用否認危機責任的策略會負向影響球迷維護球團的行為。透過比較團隊型危機或個人型危機,發現團隊型危機下使用提醒策略是最有效正向影響球迷的策略,此外,不論球團使用何種策略,球迷皆會有一定的比例使用合理化策略來維護球團。根據研究結果,本研究建議職業球團的危機管理者在危機初期選擇直接公布事件細節,會有比較大的機會得到球迷的支持;而危機管理所能影響的其實是對球團參與度不高的球迷,使用加強性策略用來強調與球迷間的情感連結能得到更好的支持程度。


The value of sports industry has been constantly rising as the trend of sports swept over the world in recent years. Yet, the rapid development of sports industry leads to the emergence of crisis and forces professional sports organizations to face the challenges. TThis research discusses how the professional sports and fans utilize the "crisis response strategy" on social platform to defend the organizations. In this study, Coombs's situational crisis communication theory (SCCT) was used to explore how the four organizations of the Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) correspond to the reputational crisis. The fans’ comments on the crisis were collected from the baseball community on the electronic bulletin board system. We also used content analysis to analyze which adopted tactics by the fans may help them defend for the organizations and which deployed strategies by the organizations can stimulate the fans. The results showed that the strategy adopted by the organizations to strengthen the ties with its fans have positive influence on fans’ protecting behaviors and improve the ratio of attack the accuser strategy used by fans. Nevertheless, it has negative effect on the fans’ protecting behaviors if the organizations utilize the strategy to deny the responsibility of the crisis. Comparing team crisis with personal crisis, this study has also discovered the use of reminder strategy is the most effective and positive strategy to affect fans under the team crisis. In addition, there is always a proportion of fans use justification strategies to defend for the organizations no matter which strategies the organizations used. According to the key findings, this study suggests that the managers of the professional sports organization will obtain more support from the fans if they choose to notify the detail of the scandals directly on the early stage of the crisis. Crisis management can only influence the fans who have lower involvement and participation for the organizations. Moreover, the strengthening strategy can be used to reinforce the emotional link with fans to obtain more support from the fans.


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