  • 學位論文


Taiwan's Sports Diplomacy: Case Study of 2017 Taipei Summer Universiade

指導教授 : 翁明賢




體育外交 軟實力 公民外交


Sports was an important tool for diplomacy as it was practiced all over the world. Despite facing diplomatic dilemma, Taiwan still managed to stay in the international arena through sports, which was the result of effective Taiwan’s sports diplomacy. The mechanism of sport diplomacy was not understood well, however, it was based mainly on soft power and public diplomacy. However, the aspects of Taiwan’s sport diplomacy went further than simple soft power and public diplomacy where it includes the identity of Taiwan as “Chinese Taipei” in international sports. In addition, the cross-strait relations in sports was also an important factor in Taiwan’s sports diplomacy. Using the case study of 2017 Taipei Summer Universiade, the largest multi-sport event that Taiwan had ever held, it can be observed that soft power, public diplomacy, Taiwanese identity, and cross-strait relations was the key factors that influenced Taiwan’s success in hosting the games. Despite the decline in cross-strait relations during the 2017 Summer Universiade, the other aspects of Taiwan’s sports diplomacy was considered successful. Hence, it can be concluded that Taiwan’s sports diplomacy was successful and was an important diplomatic tool for Taiwan.


Sports Diplomacy Soft Power Public Diplomacy


English Resources
Bailey, Carol A. 1996. A Guide to Field Research. California: Pine Forge Press.
Horne, John, and Wolfram Menzenreiter. 2006. "An introduction to the sociology of sports mega-events." In Sports mega-events: social scientific analyses of a global phenomenon, by John Horne and Wolfram Menzenreiter. Blackwell Publishing.
