  • 學位論文

酒吧的服務品質對顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度之影響-以台北文華東方酒店M.O. Bar為例

The Impact of Bar’s Service Quality to Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty - The Case Study of M.O. Bar at Mandarin Oriental Taipei.

指導教授 : 洪英正
共同指導教授 : 李芸蕙(Yun-Huei Lee)


酒吧相關的研究與參考資料並沒有許多學者有特別著墨,所以本論文特別針對酒吧的經營模式來進行研究。本論文主要是在探討好的體驗式服務是否對提高顧客滿意度與忠誠度有直接性的影響,並探索顧客滿意度與忠誠度之關聯性。此研究亦能解釋國際連鎖飯店酒吧可以持續的獲利,主要是仰賴忠誠顧客的重複性購買行為。 根據 Kuo & Cheng(2018)量身訂做客製化的服務是維持客戶回購的主要方法之一。Khuong, Ngan, & Phuong(2015)有形性、保證性和關懷性對其酒店形象有直接的影響也間接影響了顧客忠誠度。Chadha(2015)則驗證實施客戶關係管理CRM,可提高盈利能力和顧客滿意度與忠誠度。 本文以大台北地區做為研究範圍並在過去一年內曾經到過台北文華東方酒店M.O. Bar的消費者為主要研究對象,採用便利抽樣方式抽取樣本,問卷收集期間為2020年1月23日至2020年3月5日,合計發放問卷409份,回收有效問卷258份。 實證結果如下: 1.酒吧的服務品質對顧客滿意度有顯著正向的影響。 2.酒吧的服務品質對顧客忠誠度有顯著正向的影響。 3.顧客滿意度對顧客忠誠度有顯著正向的影響。 4.女性在顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度上高於男性;未婚的消費者在服務品質、顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度上高於已婚的消費者;大學∕專科學歷者比碩士學歷者有更高的服務品質評價;大學∕專科學歷者比碩士學歷者有更高的顧客忠誠度。 經本研究結果之發現,服務人員能在一開始主動關懷顧客,給予立即性的回應與行動並與顧客有感同身受的認知時,會讓顧客產生依賴感。依賴感會使得顧客持續消費,提高介紹及推薦他人的行為及參與的意願,因而顧客滿意度愈高,必定對顧客忠誠度是有一定的影響作用。


There are less bar-related research and references, and that is the reason why this thesis focuses and studies on the business model of bars in Taipei. The main research purpose of this paper is to figure out if guests’ good experiences have a direct and positive impact on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty; meanwhile, the correlation between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty would also be explored. Via the research result, it could be found that repeating purchase behaviors of loyal customers would result in continuous profit of international hotel chains and bars. Customized service is one of the main methods to maintain customers’ repeat purchase behavior based on Kuo & Cheng (2018). Meanwhile, Ngan, & Phuong (2015) has approved that tangibility, guarantee and cares have a direct impact on hotel image and an indirect effect on customers’ loyalty. However, Chadha (2015) has confirmed that customer relationship management (CRM) implementation could increase profitability and customers’ satisfaction and loyalty. This research audience targets on consumers who had been to Mandarin Oriental Taipei M.O. Bar in the past one year. The questionnaire was distributed by convenient sampling and was collected from 23th January to 5th March, 2020. A total of 409 questionnaires were distributed and 258 of them were valid for analysis. The results of this study are as follows: 1.Bar’s service quality has a significant positive impact on customer satisfaction. 2.Bar’s service quality has a significant positive impact on customer loyalty. 3.Customer satisfaction has a significant positive effect on customer loyalty. 4.Females have higher customer satisfaction and customer loyalty than males. Guests who are single have higher requirements on service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty comparing with customers who are married. University / college degree holders have higher requirements on service quality than master degree holders. Meanwhile, University / college degree holders also have higher customer loyalty than master degree ones. According to the findings of this study, service staffs could create customers’ reliability from initiative cares, prompt reply and feedbacks with fully understanding in customers’ point of views. Customers’ reliability would result in continuous consumption for the customers and increase guests’ willingness to refer other guests to dine in the bar. Hence, the higher customer satisfaction you have, the better effect on customer loyalty would be positive.


