  • 學位論文


A research of marketing mix about consumer product of solid state drive

指導教授 : 曾忠蕙


2019年SSD固態硬碟的價格跌到甜蜜的價格區間,消費者的儲存裝置由傳統機械硬碟變成購入SSD固態硬碟,做為個人的隨身儲存裝置。消費者在價格上,可以接受比傳統機械碟價格再高一些,願意多付出購入價格, 取得產品的體積更輕薄短小SSD固態硬碟做為可攜式儲存裝置。 本研究方法以4P行銷策略來說明SSD固態硬碟的產品的行銷策略,採用產品4P行銷策略組合, 深入研究對消費者購買行為的影響,並輔以個案研究的深入訪談法,設計訪談問題,輔佐說明訪談的內容並實證對消費者心理及購買行為,根據個案訪談的結果並歸納出以下結論及建議。 一.產品策略-品牌形象會影響消費者的購買意願 二.價格策略及促銷策略:產品定價策略,是影響消費者購入意願的首要關鍵原因。 三.產品策略: (1)需求容量:500G-2TB (2)產品策略:速度快,穩定性,體積輕薄短小 (3)保固策略:產品保固 5年或者延長保固


固態硬碟 行銷策略 SSD NAND Flash


Solid-state drive (SSD) price has reached its sweet spot in 2019. SSD has replaced Hard disk drive (HDD) and became the consumer grade product for data storage medium. Consumer nowadays has accepted a lightness, thinness, shortness and minimization of SSD as the portable data storage device with just a slightly expensive in price. Based on the marketing mix and the 4Ps of marketing analysis (product、price、place、promotion), in this thesis I illustrates the marketing strategies for SSD in market. I adapted consumer behavior and analysis to have an in-depth study of consumer behavior decision process and consumer behavior influences decision making. Using case study as the research strategy I custom design the depth interview questions, empirical inquiry into these questions to justify consumer behavior. Here are the five conclusions and suggestions in below. 1.Product Strategy-Brand image. 2. Price strategy and promotion strategy: Product pricing strategy is the key reason that affects consumers' willingness to buy. 3. Product strategy: (1) Capacity: 500G-2TB (2) Product specification: fast speed, stability, light and small size (3) Warranty policy of product warranty for 5 years or extended


SSD Solid State Drive NAND Flash 4P


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