  • 學位論文


The Cultivation of Bamboo and improvement of the Efficiency in the Production of Bamboo Handicrafts of Nicaragua”. From the Perspective of Bilateral Technical Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the Republic of Nicaragua

指導教授 : 黃富娟


本論文研究歸納主義中的科學方法,並基於歸納導向的推理策略,旨在於中華民國政府與尼加拉瓜政府友好關係框架中,分析「竹子計畫」裡有關強化尼加拉瓜竹藝工匠知識的相關影響。 透過資料收集,從網路、報紙文章、社群網路、雜誌和政府機構的報告中獲得的資料來進行研究。同樣地,透過和參與此計畫工匠的面談及訪視,可以使得記錄一系列促進研究發展的數據具可行性。 本論文總共分成四章,包括支撐整個理論的參考書目和附件。 第一章闡述研究目標、研究方法和研究理由。 第二章說明國際合作基本概念的概念性框架,特別是雙邊合作和國家間的結對。同樣地,本章節以解釋理論的理論性框架為基礎。 第三章除描述竹子計劃本身、計畫範圍和預期結果之外,也描述共同發展的相關活動。 第四章也就是最後一章,描寫竹子計畫在2018至2020年間獲得的成果和參與此計畫的家庭所帶來的一般利益。


The present thesis is approached from the scientific method of inductivism, since it is based on an induction-oriented reasoning strategy and aims to Analyze the effects of the "Bamboo Project" in strengthening knowledge to Nicaraguan artisans who make bamboo crafts (Period 2018-2020), within the framework of the ties of friendship between the Government of the Republic of China and the Government of Nicaragua. It is through the collection of information obtained through the internet, newspaper articles, social networks, magazines and reports from government institutions that were provided to conduct the research. Likewise, through interviews and visits to meetings with artisans who participated in the project, it was possible to document a series of data that facilitated the development of the research. The thesis is structured in four chapters, including bibliography and annexes that support the theory. The first chapter presents the objectives of the research, the approach and justification of the research. The second chapter deals with the conceptual framework in which fundamental concepts of international cooperation are developed, specifically bilateral cooperation and twinning between countries. Likewise, this chapter deals with the theoretical framework which explains the theory on which the thesis is based. The third chapter describes the project itself, the scope and expected results of the Bamboo Project, as well as the activities that would be developed jointly. The fourth and last chapter describes what were the results obtained in the Bamboo Project during the period of 2018-2020, as well as, describes the general benefits that resulted for the families that participated in it.


(Taiwán), Gobierno de la República de Nicaragua y Gobierno de la República de China. «Acuerdo de Ejecución sobre el Proyecto de Cultivo de Bambú y Mejoramiento de la Eficiencia en la Producción de Artesanías de Bambú Nicaragua.» Managua Nicaragua, 2015.
Angel J, Rodrigo. «Researchgate.» Researchgate. enero de 2016. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/315691305.
Bambuver. Bambuver. s.f. http://www.bambuver.com/index.php/productos/planta-tipo/oldhamii-bambusa-oldhamii.
Banco Mundial. Banco Mundial. 6 de octubre de 2021. https://www.bancomundial.org/es/country/nicaragua/overview#1 (último acceso: 28 de noviembre de 2021).
Canales, Gissela. La Prensa digital. 2 de mayo de 2011. https://www.laprensa.com.ni/2011/05/02/economia/59238-artesanos-del-bambu-mejoran-su-oferta (último acceso: 5 de octubre de 2020).
