  • 學位論文


A Study on Common Prosperity of the Communist Party of China(CPC)

指導教授 : 張五岳


從中共黨史的發展來看,共同富裕具有相當長久歷史;1953年12月16日,毛澤東以中央委員會主席身份在《關於發展農業生產合作社的決議》之黨政文件中提到使農民能夠逐步擺脫貧困,進入共同富裕繁榮的生活;到了鄧小平時期,在改革開放的思路下,開始援引共同富裕用語,並將其明確定位,作為社會主義與資本主義之區別所在;江澤民及胡錦濤主政時期,大陸經濟發展主軸是追求成長,儘管埋下社會貧富逐漸拉大惡因,但在各自的三個代表、科學發展觀的重大思想指導原則下,努力兼顧效率與社會公平,縮小區域、城鄉、所得差距等共同富裕的實踐;習近平時期的共同富裕則是既有運動式管理的特徵,也具有轉變經濟發展模式的意涵。 中國經濟發展經過40多年的改革開放,貧富不均、社會資源分配不公等議題逐漸浮上檯面並受到廣泛討論,本研究旨在了解並觀察在中國特色社會主義下,共同富裕的發展及現實推進過程。


Common prosperity has a long history during the development of the Communist Party of China history. Mao Zedong stated in “Resolution on the Development of Agricultural Production Cooperatives” document that farmers can gradually get rid of poverty and enter a common rich and prosperous life as the Chairman of the Central Committee on December 16, 1953. In the Deng Xiaoping period, common prosperity began to be quoted and positioned clearly as the difference between socialism and capitalist under the idea of reform and opening up. During the presidency of Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao, the main axis of economic development in China is the pursuit of growth, despite the fact that it caused the wealth gap had grown wider. Under the principles of the major ideological guidance of scientific development concept, people strive to take into efficiency and social equity, and bridge the income gap between urban and rural for putting common prosperity into practice. Common prosperity during Xi Jinping period is the existing sports-style management, which also has the meaning of changing economic development models. After more than 40 years of reform and opening up economic development in China, the issues such as inequality of wealth and poverty, unfair distribution of social resources have been gradually discussed. This study aims to understand and observe common prosperity development and transition process under socialism with Chinese characteristics.


林宗弘導讀(2014),Karl Marx、Friedrich Engels、Eric Hobsbawm原著。共產黨宣言。臺北市:麥田出版。
