  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationship between Team Evolution and Throwing Performance for Players in First 30 Years of Chinese Professional Baseball League

指導教授 : 蔡志群


本項研究旨在以出賽數、每局被上壘率、防禦率、被安打率以及滾飛出局比等傳統性指標檢視中華職棒前 30 年間投手整體表現,方法略以: 一、以中華職棒前 30 年間球隊的演進,確認 18 個群體(球隊)。 二、除以出賽數表達投手的使用頻率之外,以盒型圖體現其餘 4 項以「比率」呈現指標的數據分散情況。 三、以 Pearson 相關係數 (Pearson correlation coefficient) 檢視各變數間相關性。 四、使用單因子變異數分析 (One-Way ANOVA) 檢定各變數間差異與否。 自 2442 筆資料確認每局被上壘率、防禦率、被安打率彼此間有高度正相關,且達到統計上的顯著性(滾飛出局比與該 3 項評比則是達到統計上低度負相關之顯著性)之下,經就國籍、年度、個別球隊、年度排名等面向輔以盒型圖檢視 30 年來中華職棒投手群於各該傳統性指標的整體表現,各有千秋;再藉由同質性、單因子變異數分析、Welch 等方法檢定 4 項以「比率」呈現指標的平均數,期間18支不同隊名球隊於每局被上壘率、滾飛出局比與防禦率達統計上的顯著差異,被安打率則否。 棒球畢竟為投、打、守並重的運動,單就投手部分即有其他諸多傳統,甚至新型態評比指標可資繼續研討;又因野手的表現同為能否減低投手失分的關鍵因素,其評比指標亦當重視,凡此俱為本文的研究範疇可資擴展空間。


This study aims to examine the overall performance of pitchers in the first 30 years of the Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) using traditional indicators such as games played, walks plus hits per inning pitched (WHIP), earned run average (ERA), hits per nine innings (H/9), and ground outs-fly outs ratio (GB/FB). The methods employed include: (1) identifying 18 groups (teams) based on the evolution of CPBL teams over 30 years; (2) expressing the dispersion of data for the four indicators presented in "ratios" using box plots, with games played used to express the frequency of pitcher use; (3)examining the correlations between the variables using Pearson correlation coefficient; and (4) testing for differences between the variables using One-Way ANOVA. From the 2,442 data, there was a high positive correlation among walks plus hits per inning pitched, earned run average, and hits per nine innings with statistical significance while ground outs-fly outs ratio showed a low negative correlation with the three indicators. Based on factors such as nationality, year, individual team, and annual ranking, the overall performance of Chinese Professional Baseball League pitchers in the past 30 years in these traditional indicators was examined using Box plots. Each indicator showed unique characteristics. Furthermore, using methods such as the Test of Homogeneity, One-Way ANOVA, Welch test, etc., the average values of the four indicators presented in "ratio" were tested for statistical significance among 18 different teams during the period, where statistically significant differences were observed in walks plus hits per inning pitched, ground outs-fly outs ratio, and earned run average, but not in hits per nine innings. Baseball is a sport that places equal emphasis on pitching, hitting, and defense. This study only focuses on traditional indicators for pitchers, and there are many other traditional and even new indicators that can be further studied. In addition, since the performance of fielders is also a key factor in reducing pitcher runs, their rating indicators should also be considered. All of these can be expanded upon in future research.


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