  • 學位論文


Lounging places for de-pressurization in Taipei

指導教授 : 劉綺文


由於都市生活的高速度變遷,人們必須不斷適應新的環境樣態,複雜且多變的環境特質造成人的神經容易緊繃,以及心理壓力也隨之變大。因此在人們解壓的心理需求下,都市空間開始出現一股象徵輕軟與柔和的Lounge風潮。Lounge在字義上代表讓人達到舒適與閒暇的空間狀態,而在空間的具體表現上,則為小族群提供具有歸屬感的言談空間。Lounge以低調的態度來降低刺激,讓人重新調整恢復感官。透過情境的營造,加強與現實生活的差異性,滿足人們對於真實生活的幻想。在都市環境帶來的限制下,Lounge解壓的角色象徵了原本受限制的身體在時間、空間、經驗的突破,也代表了現代都市生活對於公共空間的需求。 本論文以Lounge風潮的社會背景意涵及歷史上各種Lounge空間意義的回顧,重新詮釋個人與都市公共空間的關係。在研究中定義出「公共空間Lounge化」的5個層次:1. 自由的2. 個人的 3. 短暫的解壓4. 慾望的5. 身體感知,作為設計操作依循的主軸。操作對象以時間、環境及資源受限制的台北生活者做為範圍。依循受限制者生活環境觀察及心理狀態作為解壓的策略,提供情緒紓解的選擇及適切環境作壓力抒發。透過不同族群的解壓空間設計,創造跳脫生活的經驗性及突破均質化的日常生活。期望為公共空間提出更多元性的活動與價值以供市民自由的選擇,延伸公共空間發展的可能性及另類的思考。


感官知覺 多元性 個人化 解壓 社交 閒盪空間


Due to the rapid change of city life, people in Taipei are bound to adapt into the new changing environment. The complexity and varieties of the changing environment often lead to great stress. Depressurization therefore is highly needed; and the trend of soft lounging spaces starts to appear in the city can be seen as an indices. The word “ lounge “ implies a spatial quality with comfort and pleasure, and can provide good sense of belonging for small groups for conversations. The lounge can help recuperate people’s senses with the low-key, stress-reducing ambience. It can also enhance the sense of fantasy through thematic environment design. The lounge playing the role of depressurization in the complex and crowded city, not only can be seen as break beyond bodily limitations in space, time and past experiences. It also indicates a great need for various public spaces in urban life. The thesis employs the concept of “ lounge”, and involves direct observations as well as a review of history and backgrounds of various lounges in different societies and time periods. The relationships between the individual and the public space are interpreted, and parallel is made between lounge and small urban public space. Five aspects of public lounging space are emphasized, including (1) sense of freedom, (2) personalized, (3) temporary depressurization, (4) desirous, and (5) bodily sensation. They are the major themes in the design of Taipei lounging spaces focusing groups that are particularly high-stressed and short of resources. Based on observations on the environments used by these groups finding the sources of stress, strategies and design solutions are proposed for individual groups. Through the design of four different types of lounging places, it is intended to diminish the monotonous tone of public spaces in Taipei city. It is hoped that the design can provide alternatives and richness of choices in daily lives, and extend enlightening thinking for the possibilities of future city public place design.


1996 《胡塞爾現象學解析》台北:台灣商務印書管。
Featherstone ,Mike
Gehl , Jan
Goodale ,Thomas L.
Heyden Rynsch ,Verena von der



