  • 學位論文

影響學生滿意度與忠誠度關係之實證研究 -ECSI模式之應用-

A Confirmatory Research on Student Satisfaction and Student Loyalty in Higher Education-Application of the ECSI Model-

指導教授 : 温博仕


近十年來由於四技、二專院校改制紛紛升等為技術學院,進而增加大學院校的校數,卻使專科學校大幅減少,間接造成今日大學院校招生不足的現象。有鑒於今日大學院校的數目日益漸多,但市場卻是呈現供過於求的現象,以致於各大學院校呈現競爭搶人的現象,無非不是希望自己的學校能有更多的學生來就讀,又現今出現出生率下降的少子化時代,學校要如何滿足學生在師資方面、課程規劃方面、軟硬體教學設備方面以及上課環境方面的需求與期望,已儼然成為當今國內之大學院校於招生時應重視的課題了。據此,本論文以淡江大學、輔仁大學、中興大學等三所大學為例,探討影響學生滿意度與忠誠度的關系因素模式。 本研究結果顯示,在學生忠誠度這項構面裡,此三所大學呈現無顯著的差異。在軟硬體方面設備品質方面的總效果分析結果發現到,其對學生滿意度產生正向的總效果,具有正向加分的作用。此三所學校的學生對於所就讀學校滿意度與忠誠度的關係,可由路徑分析中發現到,學生滿意度與學生忠誠度的關係為0.70,呈現正向相關,表示學生在學校的感受到的滿意度越高,而學生忠誠度也就會越高,因為學生忠誠度會受到學生滿意度的影響。


In Taiwan, the past ten years cause the Technological and Vocational Colleges elevate status to be the Institutes of Technological College, and then the school of the university colleges increased. But making the Vocational Colleges to reduce widely. Indirectly caused the institute of university colleges enrolling new students did not insufficient phenomenon. Today the institute of university colleges are adding more and more, the phenomenon for overly asking appears on the market, every institute of university colleges presents the phenomenon that is devoted to vying for students, does not only hope that can there are more students to study in one's own school, and now at the period of the birth rate decline, how should the school meet student's demand and expectation in respects of teachers、study programming respect、teachin equipment quality of the software and hardware respect and class environment respect, had already nowadays became the subject which the university colleges should pay attention to solemnly while enrolling new students. In view of the above, This thesis take the students studying in the Tamkang University、FuJen Catholic University and National Chung Hsing University as the example, to find the related factors that will be influence student's satisfaction and student's loyalty. This result of study shows, in this composition of student's loyalty, the three universities did not present having apparent difference. The total effect analysis result in equipment quality of the software and hardware respect is found that it produce student satisfaction to positive total effect. The relations between satisfaction and students loyalty studied in of this three schools, The student satisfaction relation with student's loyalty is relevant to 0.70, feels student's satisfaction higher in what school experience, and will be higher student's loyalty, because student's loyalty will be influenced by student's satisfaction.


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