  • 學位論文


The study on the concrete mixture proportioning design in aggregate maximum size, slump, water content and strength

指導教授 : 何德仁


本研究主要是針對一般常用之混凝土配比設計時,於計算出整個配合比後,所拌合之混凝土常出現坍度不足、工作度不佳之現象,是以現場施工時經常會加水以利於灌注。因此藉由試拌驗證過程中所得試驗數據與經驗值數據,去檢討兩者間的差異及建立迴歸關係。再分別以「骨材最大粒徑」、「坍度」、「水灰比」,作為本研究之試驗變因,分析探討各變因以及因減少或增加用水量,而得到的「實際水灰比」對混凝土抗壓強度的影響因子比較分析,並提供多組試驗因子綜合比較及迴歸關係,提供使用者相關建議之參考。 以下為各章節內容之簡要介紹: 第一章 本章說明本研究之研究動機、研究目的、研究方法、及研究 流程。 第二章 文獻依「影響混凝土強度之因素」、「混凝土配合理論」、 及「混凝土之品質管制」、三方面整理,並提出與本研究相 關之文獻。 第三章 本章係針對其試驗計劃提出三個試驗變因的設定、試驗流 程、試驗用材料之基本性質以及試驗方法與設備。 第四章 本章節將之前所做的試驗所得到的結果及數據,使用軟體工 具整理圖表數據,然後再進一步的去討論其各因子間的數據 關係。除了上述的整理分析之外,本章節還使用線性迴歸分 析來建立迴歸線性模型並進行數據之分析比較。 第五章 本研究所得歸納出之結論與建議: (一)實際的拌合水量與經驗值水量,二者之間的數據大多都 不相符合。 (二)水灰比愈小、坍度愈大以及骨材最大粒徑愈小者,則抗 壓強度值相對的愈高。 (三)以實際水灰比對於混凝土抗壓強度之影響最為明顯。 (四)假若能使變因之差異再細分的話,是否會在某一組內有 其變化之趨勢,也未可知,尤其是在迴歸分析中相關係 數R2值趨近於0的試驗組數。則可近一步的探討。


The study main for concrete mixture proportioning, when to calculate after whole mixture proportioning, the concrete to appear not enough of the slump and work, so when construction often add water to use as convenient concrete to pour into The experiment with variables is “aggregate maximum size”, “slump”, “water to cement ratio” are to analyze every variable and real water to cement ratio, for concrete strength by effect degree, and to provide many variables synthetic contrast. Final to provide correlation a proposal and reference. Outline of each chapter: Chapter.1 Describing the motive, purpose, configuring flow and method of this research. Chapter.2 From the relevant document gathered, to distinguish three part of the “concrete strength influence factor”, “concrete mixture theory” and “concrete quality control” to inducing and organizing. Chapter.3 For experiment program, to address three experiment with variables supposition, experiment with the flow path, experiment with materials basic nature, experiment with method and facilities. Chapter.4 To use the experiment data, to make use of the software to put things in order, and further discussion relation of the variables data, of besides to put things in order and analyzes, this chapter still to establish linear model and analyzes to compare. Chapter.5 Conclusions and suggestions induced from this research: 1) The whole between a reality water content and original data are difference. 2) When water to cement ratio, aggregate maximum size more and more little, and slump more and more larger, the concrete strength can be more and more larger. 3) Concrete strength to produce some effect of the reality water to cement ratio, aggregate maximum size and slump, to use as reality water to cement ratio effect concrete strength the most apparent. 4.) If can to use the variables difference more to mince, can’t to know in some one group have a change trend, especially when relevance factor R2 value to be close to zero of the linear, can to go a step further discussion.


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Shan Somayaji
