  • 學位論文


The Application of Electro-aggregation Method on the Treatment of Cosmetic Industrial Wasterwater.

指導教授 : 高思懷


電聚法其原理為利用外加電場使污染物質內部之電荷重新分布,利用流場之混合使污染物質自凝,集結成更大之膠羽而分離。經運用在工業區廢水處理上,具有處理時間短、佔用空間小、處理效果顯著等優點。由於過去用傳統方式化學混凝方法處理化妝品廢水,其效果不盡理想,因此決定探討利用電聚法處理之可行性,並深入探討各種操作參數對化妝品工業廢水之研究及處理效果。 研究之水樣係取自化妝品工廠所產生之廢水,因為製程因素所產生之廢水屬於批次式,因此取洗髮精廢水、染髮劑廢水、面霜廢水、爽身粉廢水及香精浴劑廢水共五種廢水來做研究。電聚法選擇主要的操作參數為水力停留時間、操作電壓、電流、電導度值、處理前pH值、ORP等六種參數,而其他操作因子則予以固定。研究中除探討最佳操作條件外,並探討其最佳處理效果及污染物去除率。 經由實驗結果得知,洗髮精廢水:SS去除率為89∼91 % ,COD去除率為88∼90 %;染髮劑廢水: SS去除率為96 % ,COD去除率為91 %;面霜廢水: SS去除率為80∼83 % ,COD去除率為89∼95 %;爽身粉廢水: SS去除率為87∼90 % ,COD去除率為68∼77 %;香精浴劑廢水: SS去除率為82∼87 % ,COD去除率為86∼89 %。處理後均可達排放標準。 本研究得知調整適當電導度有助於對廢水處理能力,而最佳之電導度在3 ms/cm,其效果影響到操作電壓及電流進而影響後續處理效果,另外pH值會因反應槽通入電流時,操作電壓越強,供給電能越多,極板電解情況越劇烈,產生的氫氧根離子也就愈多愈迅速,水中pH值會快速上升,因此處理前調整pH值有助於混凝效果及達到放流水標準。




Electro-aggregation is a novel wastewater treatment technology, which applied an electrical field to re-arrange the charge of the pollutants, makes pollutants coagulated by each others, then flocculated by the released ferrous ion, and separated from water. In many studies, it presented excellent performance in treating many kinds of industrial wastewater. This method has many special strong points especially in short retention time, good efficiency and small space is needed to build the facilities. Using chemical coagulation method to treat cosmetic industrial wastewater is proven to have poor efficacy, so we try to treat it in electro-aggregation method. This study will explore and discuss to determine the optimum operational conditions and the best removal efficiency. The wastewater samples were taken from a cosmetic industry. They are shampoo wastewater, hair dye wastewater, cream wastewater, bath powder wastewater and bath lotions wastewater. The electro-aggregation treatment was studied with five operational parameters. The results showed that, the SS and COD remove rate could both up to about 90% for shampoo wastewater; 96% and 91% for hair dye wastewater, 83% and 95% for cream wastewater, 90% and 77% for bath powder wastewater, 87% and 89% for bath lotions wastewater relatively, all of them could satisfied the effluent standard. A proper conductivity, 3 ms/cm, is helpful for the treatment. The effect on operational voltage will influence the electrical current, which will enhance the release of hydroxyl ions, if not pre-adjust the pH, the effluent pH will be too high to match the standard.




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